Well, they did go “have some drinks”. Who knows where they are?
Well, they did go “have some drinks”. Who knows where they are?
Major cannot catch a break, can he? I mean, I'm all for surprising twists but honestly, can't the writers just allow him to be happy for once?
Just like The Matrix Reloaded, this was but a setup for the next season - which will never come :-/
I love how Jimmy hustling the music store guys is basically karma. He worked for free in exchange for a better deal later and they just want to renegotiate the deal when they see the ad working. As stupid as it might be for a lawyer failing to get them to sign a contract, they got what they had coming to them
Please let this be real. I sorely miss this show
I was wondering the same thing. If Adam Sandler could think of that in 50 First Dates, sure Ravi and Liv should be smart enough for that?
The Senate still exists at this point. Tarkin talks about the Emperor dissolving it in A New Hope.
TIE Defenders are not only a problem because of the shields but they had a hyperdrive, allowing them to be used without capital ships to deploy them, a crucial advantage X-Wings had above TIE Fighters
Not necessarily. Maybe he is another Architect ;-)
Ah, yes, because you can't be pro-cop AND criticize cops for beating people to death without cause…</sarcasm>
Since ABC owns Galavant IP, I won't be surprised if he too appears in OUAT sooner or later. I'd be happy even^^
That still doesn't explain why they can't return
Didn't Edgar have a girlfriend two episodes ago? How come she doesn't notice? She seemed normal(ish)
Even those voters should know though that it is not in their best interest to elect a crazy narcissist who will most likely start World War III because someone looked at him funny.
Of course the Machine planned its own backup to escape ICE-9. Probably two seasons ago ;-)
Let's hope the director's cut includes the original scenes then
In addition to what Alexa wrote in her review, my heart broke again when Reese answers the phone and shakes his head slightly and Shaw just looked into the camera. Without moving a muscle or saying a word I could see all of her pain and then she switches to "automatic killer mode", the only defense she knows against…
You have summarized my feelings perfectly. It's very hard for a show to make me feel so sad but damn it POI, you did it…twice in one episode.
I'm pretty sure the war between the Machine and Samaritan isn't five seasons old, it only started in season 3
IIRC season 1 took place 5 years before the first season of BB. So given time it practically has to…