
So… are all old comments lost to the ether?

So… are all old comments lost to the ether?

So… are all old comments lost to the ether?

How very convenient. Still does not explain what happened with Depp's money, though.

Most of them aren't "choosing" to leave but being let go. As far as I know, the big four renegotiating their contracts were Parrilla, Carlyle, Morrison and O' Donogue. I am guessing Morrison's exist sealed the fate for the Charmings, and Belle, Zelena and young Henry (there's a twenty years time jump in the works,

Well, it don't feel very convincing to me when I first read the book either. Mostly because I hadn't forgotten Laurie knowing and babysitting child Amy fifty pages or so earlier (nor Amy's personality through the series).

She was the original troll.

Siren actually looks pretty cool, definitely more She Creature than The Vampire Diaries. And the lead has such unique, striking features… Is anyone else getting Splice vibes from her performance?

Yeah… I have never been particularly keen on Henry, but I can't even imagine a believable scenario where he's missing from both Regina and Emma's lives, unless they are planning to have the entire next season(s) revolve around him being abducted by yet another Big Bad or everyone in town forgetting who they are. Again.

Of fucking course a japanese man who has lived all his life in his home country (one famous for it's homogenous population, at that) couldn't possibly understand the importance of representation in inmigrants countries like USA. Whitewashing it's an issue for non caucasian people born and raised in USA, full stop. He

If people are really that desperate to watch a corpse-hidden-in-a-water-thank movie, there's always the original Dark Water and the remake starring Jennifer Connelly.

Why, I use a pretty elaborated points system covering everything from range to the ability to disappear into a role. But, really, you just need to watch Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter.

"Because point in fact most Anime is just animated versions of Western sci-fi."

That does not explain why the studio try to digitally modify ScarJo's features to make her look asian…

Every "unknown" has to start somewhere. Why not give Rinko Kikuchi - who already starred in a neo futuristic well-received blockbuster, looks the part and it's objectively a much better actress than ScarJo - a shot? If recent years have proven something, it's that you cannot longer rely on star power to draw in the

Well, duh. Whitewashing it's an issue for minorities living in USA, not for people born and living in a home country that already caters their media to them. Of course they wouldn't understand why representation matters, much like white people living in western countries don't - they haven't experienced being "erased"

I don't know if it got picked up, but there was a pilot with that exact same premise last year, I believe? (Set in morden times, our tattooed hero now solves crimes!)

Kiera Knightly already played Robin and Marian's daughter in some 00s kids movie. It would have been… awkward, to say the least.

Guys. I wasn't even paying that much attention and I could clearly see him snatching one of the first mint bags, which he then give to the woman sitting next to him.