
And then Casey proceed to name check everyone but his good ol' brother in his acceptance speech. That bastard.

Television Without Pity.

First TWoP, and now this.

You are conveniently forgetting Bismuth knows nothing about the corrupting song outside of what Pearl and Garnet might have told her, that gem techonology has evolved quite a bit in the millenia since she's been poofed (as Peridot likes to remind us from time to time, the tech used in the war was *primitive*, did

Funnily enough, Jared Padalecki was also casted as a young McGiver in an unaired pilot from the 00s.

Having him ended up with Blair after being nothing but an abusive POS to her was the cherry on top.

He gets the wrong girl, though.

That's what they'd like you to think.
Everyone knows they actually store their souls on them.

What's with Chloe Grace Morëtz and dodgy looking remakes? My left eye it's starting to twitch whenever I read her name…

My dad got a call right in the middle of the tape. My brother, I and half the theatre gasped out loud. :)

The Exorcist and The Shining. Having read the book beforehand, I found Jack Nicholson's portrayal of Jack more comical than scary. And exorscism movies just don't work for me (even though I did actually spent more of my childhood in churchs and catholic schools).

Oh my god. I just read he directed Bedtime Stories, too?! Hairspray must literally be the only good thing in his entire resumé!

I never understood the hype for this trite rom-com? It theorically subverts Disney fairy tales tropes, but in the process checks about every chick flick cliché in the book. Plus, I found Dempsey's character boring, Menzel underutilized and Adams crazy over acting drived me up the wall.

Lou Reed - "Perfect Day"
Mumford and Sons - "Broken Crown"
Sia - "Breathe Me"
Emiliana Torrini - "If You Go Away"
Vienna Teng - "My Medea"
Hozier - "Take Me To Church"

They just cast a fucking sixteen years old female model to play Elli, God help us all.

Helena Bonham Carter as Morgan Le Fay was certainly an inspired casting choice, if nothing else.

Yeah… I am gonna go out in a limb here and assume "G" is Stefani’s avatar.

It's worse for us spanish speakers fans! Replace the 'z' with an 's' and you've got URINE.

They will be an item in the upcoming IDW comic.

She was pretty good in "The Nines".