
Well, I hear ADHD is almost nonexistent at Hitler Schools.

Am I the only one okay with this? Because I sometimes feel like I’m the only one okay with this. There are three segments of the MCU: Movies, ABC, and Netflix (tbd where Cloak and Dagger falls). I’ve rather gotten used to the fact that the three will probably never meet up except for maybe the occasional references to

I’m just brainstorming here.

Good place to put a future prison......

I dunno, I see both sides of the issue, but I’d rather there actually be more female or minority characters than just rewriting established characters to be tokens. “Ok, for black guys we got Nick Fury, Captain America, Luke Cage.” /throws six darts at the wall. “Ok, just added Johnny Storm, Jean Grey, Medusa, Bruce

Well... it IS the best one run by a bunch of old white guys.

This, exactly. I’m really tired of hearing “we have the best intellegence gathering organizations in the world!” when, time and time again, the CIA, NSA, etc. have proven that they are not.

New plan everyone! Just follow my lead!

Here’s an idea, maybe stop emboldening and creating new terrorists by waging imperialistic wars of aggression, assassinating their leaders, dropping bombs on their school and hospitals, etc?

The security mind is simply incapable of realizing that the opposition may actually be intelligent. Any problem MUST be the result of leakage or betrayal.

Jane Foster Thor could be phase 4 Marvel plans?

Both the same age AND both dying of cancer. FUCK. CANCER.

According to the specifications I’ve got, it supports; XF, DF and Hasselblad mounts.

more importantly, what glass? I spy Schneider Kreuznach...

I’m gonna take a bunch of salt, and I’m gonna dissolve it in water. Then, I’m gonna boil off that water. Then I’m gonna take the salt deposits and mix them back into fresh water.

america you have so many guns how is he still alive

I'm just gonna bring acid and hope for the best.

pffft. I can do that!

So many typos but to clarify:

After Hurricane Katrina, Christmas Eve 2005, Saints v Lions (12-13 final score).