
Overwhelmed, underwhelmed. Why isn’t anybody just whelmed?

Why a computer needs a BMW?

Sorry to burst your bubble poppers.

It’s only terrifying if you think the glowing clouds (All hail the Glow Cloud) actually look like giant claw marks scratching through thick plated glass. Then you know there’s a giant raptor out there.

The fact the second one didn't punch the catcher in the back of the head is really impressive. Almost as impressive as how far she flew.

A League of They’re Owned

Sorry Android Users, You Don’t Get Free Apple Music

i see what you did in your comment. it’s a clever jab. but seriously, Apple owns the rights to all use of the word “magic”, “magical”, and “magicficent” (still saving that one) when describing an app or app-capable electronic device. so please consider this a cease and desist, or else there will be follow-on actions.

Black screen, white letters? I’m so confused. I think just watched the weirdest Woody Allen film since What’s Up, Tiger Lily?

for sure, but I would recommend buying it on Steam Summer Sale that’s just around the corner
btw, IMO Fallout 3 > Skyrim > New Vegas

I got sort of a flash of almost-crying when I got to the last line. Heartbreaking.

Thanks. I needed a good laugh. :)

Harsh Android Reality: Google may introduce hard Nexus device support end dates with phones and tablets being software upgradable for two years

The effects of the Patriot Act, and what it allows the United States Government to do, are inherently linked to the technological world we live in. Gizmodo reports on technology, yes, but also on how that technology intertwines with other parts of the world. Here is a helpful flow chart: Patriot Act>US Government

I think giving people back independence (and subsequently dignity) is one of the most honorable things we as a species can do for each other. Watching prosthetics and robotics combine and improve over the past decade, and give people what they could only dream of 20 years ago is a testament to our capabilities,

acknowledging that the character eventually becomes a villain (and a cyborg incarnation of Superman):

I’m going to open my own building inspired by the Empire State Building here in LA.

Now playing

Please, Please, Please won’t somebody please.

Does anyone else feel bad for the robot dog? Does anyone else kind of hope they treat it well? I mean, it's not a real dog. It can't feel anything. It doesn't care. I shouldn't care. But... I care.