
That man is a true monster.

Jesus christ can Kissinger just step down from Life please? we’ve had so many sad deaths in 2016... why not one good one :(

I will just never understand the logic behind not only climate change denial (you know, despite the mountains of evidence), but the fight against trying to do anything about it. what the fuck is the worst possible thing that could happen?? Say, somehow, climate change is not occurring, you’d end up with a permanent

Yeah those Germans saying it wasn’t Jews who lost them the first war must have been a real bunch of pricks, too.

Doesn’t look like anything to me

Maybe he’s Making America Great Again by trying to wipe humanity from the earth? :(

Just make sure its a confederate battle flag. Trump is baiting his detractors into burning the american flag - he’d then use that as ammunition in his drive to curtail our civil liberties

The irony of this situation. Lordy lord and trumpettes don’t seem to care. Im actually nearly relieved by patraeus as a choice because maybe he’ll be sort of a stabilizing force? and not just a blatant racist/rich asshole? :(

Conservators are weird people - but I guess to have gone through as much school as they have and to handle the things they do it makes sense. Im still amazed by what they do. One of our institution’s paintings was nearly destroyed in one portion (I think from just time - I wasn’t here when it was being worked on), and

Ugh. I wish my tiny brooklyn kitchen had space for it. Had to go with some magnetic fridge one, despite my partners pleas for the SH one. :(

Ugh. I wish my tiny brooklyn kitchen had space for it. Had to go with some magnetic fridge one, despite my partners

We get the newest macbook pros every so often in my job and I think Im going to have to request I get... literally anything else. or keep the one I got this year for the next 5...


My partner and I clean as we go, together. We spending cooking time in the kitchen together regardless of who is cooking, so whoever isn’t cleans just so we can get to eating, relaxing, and sleeping faster

No love for the stupendous yappi?

I’m interested to see how Color accurate it is, or if it will have a lot of the same issues standard mac monitors have had forever.

Like, I understand that... but it’s still an incredibly confusing paragraph

It frustrates me sometimes when people say iOS is easy to use - Im a lifelong android user (as in, never owned an iPhone), but have used every iphone pretty extensively through friends, and there have been more than a handful of times where between myself and the actual owner, we weren’t sure how to make the iphone do

Keeps things interesting

jesus christ what is wrong with people - My partner went through something similar this year (one guy with a knife) and she’s not really been the same since then. I cannot fathom how terrifying this must have been for Kim. Even if you don’t like someone’s lifestyle or public persona doesn’t mean they deserve to go

Fashion elite do support other things that are pretty horrendous looking, even if it’s technically on the cutting edge of fashion. Im not really a fan of smart watches at all (at least not yet), but I’m with the nays on this one - it’s pretty funky looking