

Im lucky my Girlfriend’s surrogate family is a family of jewelers. Discounts! She also wants a sapphire instead, but doesn’t really care when we do the engagement ring (it will be more of an anniversary ring if we do it). Instead, we’re going to do the thing a lot of people are probably going to tell me not to do,

true. That huge crate also shouldnt have just flown into that guys face like it did

“Batman doesn’t kill people, the bullets he shoots from his bat-shaped fighter plane probably do. Oh and then he probably broke a few necks and crushed a few skulls in that one scene of the movie that was actually good”

That is basically his origin already. His super soldier serum is a variant on erskine’s

Ah crumbs. Sometimes (whenever there’s a pokemon I really want...) that happens to me too. drives me insane.

aw it’s ok pal, want us to make you a pb&j? or do you hate that too? why don’t you just give us all a list of all the things you hate so we can be sure to never publicly share any information about those things again, even if we like them.

have you tried spinning the ball before throwing it? there’s a lifehacker article that showed me that method and I’ve been able to hit curve balls almost every single time since then.

ah cool, I’m sure that money couldn’t have gone to actually helping people or anything

bought the anker soundbuds a few weeks ago (based on the giz recomendation), liked them a bunch, but the power button has stopped working at all (it won’t depress) so I can no longer turn them on. Womp Womp.

bought the anker soundbuds a few weeks ago (based on the giz recomendation), liked them a bunch, but the power

did you try different fin sizes? I just got the anker soundbuds (on a gizmodo rec) and Im very happy with them. The silicone ear cushions could be a little bigger for my apparently massive ear canals, but overall they stay in and stay snug.

what did you try?

It’s also great filling up a cup that size on its own.

Thats what boilermakers are for. Whiskey goes great in many drinks, including beer

saw that later, too. guardian ran it as well. thats a big fuckin gator

Is that really their natural gait? seems kind of fake... and as one youtuber points out, there’s masking/digital noise around the gators body the whole way

oh excellent, thanks!

if every app could have a built in night mode too, Id be a happy man. Especially for amoled phones.

that white tiger’s helmet is killer

Maybe they could at least give him the costume and he could just do away with the mask... I know you’re right but I want it so bad :(