
“jesus lord jesus” almost just got me fired. well done. Im sorry you went through that

Im assuming it’s not affected by the double bump... but what about the wallmart $30/m 5gb plan? is that getting a bump?

Hey, Im pretty sure I left myself inside a locker, months ago. the alien was terrifying, but the thought of having to stealth my way through a mess of robots trying to kill me was just too much for my little heart. Im with you.

“Someone else in the neighborhood” Finally, foggy’s time to shine! better break out that baseball bat!

It’s grand. It’s weird as hell, depressing, funny, violent, British. a lot of fun.

razorback, yes thanks! I couldnt remember the name

Reminds me of the motorcycles in daemon. Would love to see one of these babies take a y2k motorcycle to it’s limit

Long and hollow? possibly a cylinder? time to rendezvous with rama, baby!

I... did not know he was chappie. I do love sharlto in literaly everything. Thought he was great in the A-Team :D

I was so disappointed. trailers made it look interesting, but I could not look past die antwoord. theyre great being weirdo musicians with nutso music videos but... stay there. dont just play yourselves in a feature film for no reason...

In case you were leaning towards it, I’d recomend staying away from the 24-70 E. It’s been a let down for us for the most part - Real soft in the corners and edges, and not really sharp enough over the sony kit 28-70 to justify the price tag. It is pretty crazy that they’re taking this long to get items to the

We had similar experiences trying to get our hands on the 85 and 24 batis from fotocare. the usual response was a shrug. we even ran into the nyc sony rep there one day who had a similar response. We’ve moved on to looking into the 28mm sony lens - pretty solidly sharp little thing for ~$450. about as sharp as the

We use three of these for a mixture of still and videography work at my studio (we work for a museum in NYC). We remain conservative when it comes to leaving the camera powered on while we are working, but for the most part we make it through the work we need to do with relative ease. We use one grip for the real hard

That’s all fair - better response than just such and such succccckkkkkkked ;)

The newer sony sensors have a range like that now too for the most part. The a7rii can shoot at pretty insanely high ISO with little noise (or noise reduction needed). Or just at a lower ISO with that great image stabilization.

I feel like even that’s a stretch. given how good the a7rii has proven to be (and really, just how all around good the whole a7 line has been - maybe minus the vibration from the a7r’s gunshot shutter), there are too many options, and now too many lens adapters (not to mention the crisp zeiss 55) to really justify a

Second time I’ve seen you pop up today with some negativity. Is everything alright? any reason you’re so vocally negative?

If anyone at fox had any brains they might also stop being so petty, and work out a deal with marvel like sony has. maybe thats just my own wishful thinking though :D

it would be awesome if that’s how he gets “backdoor” introduced. and build up to the full costume. Someone on reddit suggested introducing all of marc’s personalities as different characters throughout the different netflix shows, but not show the face each time, or only show him once

YES. I have always wanted to know how this was done