
its a famous one for sure. That’s some dedication and faith right there.

if that’s an application the creators might be thinking of, I imagine they’d probably be addressing this down the line. No need to be so cynical so early on

remember dudes used to show off how cool bullet proof vests were... by shooting each other in the chest

My jaw actually dropped a little. its a simple thing, but god damn that would be so useful

Whoah, thanks! that’s pretty neat. I wonder if I can requisition an iPad from IT for this....

I feel like people would lose their minds if they had to buy yet another apple branded port adapter for their new iPhone. Who am I kidding, theyd still totally buy it

Im not saying Im against any innovation, but you’re argument is comparing apples to oranges. Zanky was suggesting that they are introducing features that are already present or achievable on the iPhone and calling them brand new (which is a safe argument as apple has a history of introducing features to iOS that have

seriously. I was already excited but this read just made me quiver....

It would be nice if it could pair to an imac as well to be used as a tablet. I kind of doubt it, but still. None the less, this is the first mobile apple product that might actually pique my interested (if I had the money or interest for a giant ipad)

to be fair, I’m pretty sure they’ve mentioned that he’s not actually a sith. Perhaps it’s sith specifically?

hahahah. Yeah all I thought at first was, oh right, CW, gotta have a gun show somehow

prawl = prowl? I really wish his arms were covered :(

Maybe Danny’s company will focus on biotech stuff since he does tend to be philanthropic. depends on how they relate the netflix shows to the mcu stuff I guess. But I want that bionic arm

Not that uncommon. Painters as recently as picasso did the same. Paintings dont always work out. a little more fiscally responsible than John Baldessari incinerating all of his early works

I so want to go to there. I can’t think of a better way for them to do this franchise again. My only hope is that they can do like a MAX studio imprint and make it R-rated.

Would definitely be nice to have consistent repeatable tests for both camera bodies and glass across the board. We started doing tests in my studio of the various e-mount FF lenses Sony offers, and having consistent comparisons has certainly helped us with deciding on what lenses to sell, and what to use more

if Im going mirrorless and full frame, I’d still fuck with Fuji first. Great sensors, great glass. Still, Sony’s the only one for me right now. They just need to get us the 3 a7rii cameras we ordered......

I already said I’d steal things (hey, student loans, am I right?), but I think my real answer would be that (after I stole things) I’d help NASA. Imagine the billions of dollars and time you could save the scientific community if they didn’t have to wait for funding or space to get their projects in orbit. Assuming

I can’t teleport my student loans away, man. I’d also hook my friends up, too. just teleport some stacks into their bedrooms while they’re at work. Also I’d totally steal some paintings. Basically I’d live my life like that movie “Jumper” or whatever it was called

I had a feeling this would be the case... Oh well.