
Would be great if they could set up a radio beacon that would divert drone traffic within a certain radius. not an engineer tho so who knows if thats a possible idea

wouldnt be the first time silly string got professional use

You’re missing the TSA. They post pictures of contraband items they confiscate from baggage and the captions are always pretty funny, and seeing the shit people try to sneak through customs is great

God, that steam engine scene....

Maybe watch into the void, then. Kind of visually similar but a muuuuch different movie

Lovers on the Bridge could get on the list for me, maybe.

Personally I think russian ark is a very lovely looking movie, and Im happy to see it on a list such as this. However, Ill definitely agree that there are probably a massive quantity of movies that could rightfully displace it on the small list

ahhh I miss that asshole

Good lord, for a second I thought this was supposed to be a spy kids like movie until that dude took a circular sawblade to the face...

So what you’re saying is we can expect sharks to evolve into street sharks within our lifetime

Jesus for that I can fly Round trip to reykjavik twice...

*sees price* ugh, only an iOS app? no deal!

Ah man, this reminds me of the time I built a squirrel deck. It pretty much wrecked all my friends decks. I don’t think it was legal after a certain edition though. Man I miss magic

Nice mic drop response

mmm... whats up you sexy a7rii. hello last digital camera I might ever have to buy... We might actually supplement our H4D with one at my job...

Im mostly just annoyed, like, come on facebook, stop conducting social and psychological experiments on me! oh... I agreed to it when I signed up? well.. shit.

in my mind, its the idea that a company has a very accurate biography of people that they keep adding to... for... reasons....

I for one barely post anything but the occasional cat video on my roommates wall, so Facebook only knows me from 8 years ago... oh right, the tracking stuff. Well, I guess they know me pretty

“Clouds are not usually the most enthralling part of nature.” for real? Sunsets would not be the same without some spectacular clouds