
Well... My first thought really was “this just makes me want an adorable pet spiderbot”

You’re in a prime (hehehehe) location for amazon drones though. I don’t see us getting any drones in NYC any time soon

Im assuming they mean the recently leaked 6s. from what I remember seeing the FT pad on the new macbook, it was a hardware thing

and a sequel that was already following more than just one movie. Point break was self contained excellence.

I think he even growls “THATS MINE” at some point. before it gets run over by a truck.

Im still holding out for cosmo having some lines this time around.

Goblin Glider...

there’s plenty wrong with the city and a lot of new yorkers will be the first to admit it. But there’s also plenty to love about it. It may be a shithole, but its OUR shithole

given time, even at his age, I’m sure it would become second nature rather quickly. The brain is an amazing thing that way!

That artificial muscle thing sounds so awesome. I remember as a kid watching this anime, Spriggan, and the main character gets a form fitting suit of just that, enhancing his strength and speed. always thought that was a great idea of the future....

Almost more than anything, I like the ability to wear different watches. If I ever had a smartwatch I would feel obligated to wear it every day. would be nice to just pop a different mechanical watch on a smart band

Sweet Jesus I had forgotten about 100 bullets. that would be so rad...

I hope it’s not just me and FFKingsford actually meant “blow” in the literal sense this time

Not quite - That’s just helmet cam POV footage. I mean actually filmed with two cameras so when you watch it [the two videos side by side with each eye] with google cardboard/occulus rift, your brain interprets the two slightly different images as three dimensional space - Virtual reality

slap your phone into a google cardboard headset and boom, you’ll need to change your pants immediately. Actually just get a pair of depends

Or make a shim out of an aluminum can, slip it inside the lock - takes roughly 5 seconds and is completely silent compared to hitting something with a hammer or kicking it. Plus you dont have to carry around anything noticeably suspicious

Im just waiting until these things start getting filmed stereoscopically. Slap on an oculus and boom. Thats a real experience

Jesus that reminds me of this one episode of Black Mirror where the guy keeps having to watch TV none stop in those weird TV cubes....

Who’s to say - But my thought is they could kill him, and then the first infinity war movie is the avengers trying to piece together the gauntlet to bring him back to life