
Since this is supposed to be a much older batman than we’ve seen in films thus far, maybe he did start with a more inconspicuous ride, and as the need grew to have heavier gear (like the noticeably worn suit of armor) he found the need to have a high speed tank.

While this makes me very excited - As this tech becomes cheaper and cheaper it opens up a lot of possibilities for younger filmmakers to explore the medium in ways that were inaccessible to them previously. The downside? all those steadicam operators are totally boned

AND the Yota does it better by actually offering a practical use for the tech (displaying maps, clocks, notifications etc on energy efficient E-ink). $130 to look at some poorly displayed images on an ugly case? If it wasn’t for iphone id see someone hacking it into an e-reader or a janky yota.

I do, to be clear, agree with you about her character. Its so frustrating in a show that is otherwise quite strong (for the channel it is on) and a heck of a lot of fun. I hope they can figure something out.

If you want to see a better take on this - Watch James Nares’ “Street” (or at least the trailer for it since the full hour long footage is an art object and sadly not available to the public unless installed in a museum, as it was in NYC’s Met). Done with a high def high speed camera, actually creates more of a

Honestly it reminds me of how cheesey and CW-ey the first season of Arrow was. They seem to have to pander to different audiences in the first season before they can really break into better storylines

This looks so much more convenient than doing it by hand.... Guess I know what my next kitchen purchase is

Mechanical, baby!

Vote old out of touch white guy 2016

My issues with all smart watches remains the same - Battery life (including battery degradation over time), and feeling obligated to always wear it since its so expensive. I own a few mechanical watches (nothing over $100) that I really love wearing and switching up. I don’t think I could ever get over my desire to

idk, even people I know that kind of go out of their way to say apple is better than everything else seem pretty unenthused by the watch. The starting price point is just too high. Then again, I don’t know any wealthy yuppies, so I’m sure I’ll still probably see this all over williamsburg in a few months

depends on what you think of noteworthy. It’s worth noting that they’re so out of touch they think people want less ports of a laptop and give a shit about a $10,000+ watch that you’re probably going to have to replace after a year

3/5, all guesses. It recommends turning the volume up, but it was at an already adequate level, around the level I normally listen to music at. Is the compressed version given to us here equivalent to the compression of spotify/google play music? that’s a comparison I’d really care to read about. That said, I’m not

welcome to color theory, dog. Anyone interested by these color tricks should look into "Interactions of Color" by Josef Albers

Hollywood has also done well to focus our attention on the dangers of the following:

If it makes you feel any better, Linsdsey Graham has never sent an email, and he's on the senate subcommittee for internet policy. Wait, no, what's the opposite of feeling better?

How is this "completely unnecessary and two steps away from being a joke"...

Yeah, the MCU is pretty flexible. we'll see! I doubt I'm even close though

I wonder if agent 33 will become madame masque. either way Im excited

Internet Explore 2