
Come on now. Let’s not blame the mother for a grown man being a monster.

he could have been raised right and turned into a monster, it happens all the time. Parents have no control over some psycho who grew and held his kids hostage. He made that choice

I’m going to be generous and say that sometimes you raise your kids to the best of your ability and they still end up assholes.

But the drugs will expire!

It doesn’t prevent murders or violent crime. It doesn’t save society money or protect us (with appeals, a death sentence costs us more). It is supremely hypocritical (killing is wrong so we’ll kill you!). Mistakes have been made and innocent people have been put to death. And it’s on us. When we vote for pols that

The states don’t have to use shitty drugs. They could just not kill people.

Agreed. It also adds to the bizarre spectator sport side of it. “Shame they’re going to execute the guy... but tell me more about his last meal. Chicken?!? Shit, I would have gotten a steak”.

From what I can tell firing squads are unpopular because they look bad. When people think of lethal injection they think (wrongly, mostly) of the time they had to have Spot put down. They held the dog, he died peacefully, everyone cried and went home.

You know you are in the wrong when the pharmaceutical companies call you out.

Okay, so I used to feel the way that you feel. But here’s the thing, occasionally, someone on death row will get exonerated. Maybe by DNA. Maybe by a new understanding of the crime. Maybe by generally new evidence. And let’s face it, people with money who murder face an advantage here. They don’t get the death

Throw in a free lunch and a $25 WalMart gift card, and I’m betting they’d get volunteers. Sorry to sound (be) so cynical.

You’d think so, but it actually isn’t the case. Even the most pro-murder shitbird tough guy will usually decline because if he was ever publicly connected to his role, it would put his life in chaos / disaster mode.

It’s like nearly the ultimate mind-fuck. I say nearly because the ultimate mindfuck is when they execute someone with such a low IQ that that person doesn’t even realize they are being lead to the execution chamber, which is something I’ve read that happens from time to time with these things.

It may surprise you (it won’t, but it definitely will depress you) to consider that a large number of Americans are not interested in justice, nor in deterrence, so much as in vengeance and the exercise of power over the lives of others. Also, there’s this:

The perturbing part is the cold callousness that underpins a decision made because their lethal drug was about to expire, like a fucking carton of milk.

No one wants to be in the firing squad. No one wants to be the hangman. No one will be the sniper to put one bullet to the head. Everyone wants the execution to be as if you have the veterinarian euthanize your pet. Except it isn’t it isn’t it isn’t.

We actually treat sick and old animals much better. Because pharma companies are cool with selling effective euthanasia drugs to veterinarians, the animals almost always die instantly with no pain whatsoever. Human victims of state-sanctioned murder often experience excruciating pain because no pharma company wants to

I think what makes it worse is that most of these people consider themselves alpha Christians. Like, these are the first people to tell you you’re going to hell.

I wonder why there are still so many in America who want to show how bad it is to kill someone, by killing someone.