Aye for an Eye

Another point in the favor of goat milk: around ten percent of those of us who have cow’s milk protein allergies can safely ingest goat milk and goat milk products! I grew up on goat milk and adore the taste. Goat and sheep cheeses are fantastic. I hope more people discover them. :)

And goat cheese! Chevre noir... (drools)

Also, delicious, delicious cheese... Mmmmm...

Goats are super cute! In my current market, goat milk is rare / expensive to spot in the store, and it does give me a bit of the rumbles still.....but I do like it :)

Also, vegan cheese should not be allowed to use the name cheese.

Still sad Parks & Rec is over.

hey man i was told not to drink milk already by this very website bc its not what wild animals do and all humans must follow their ways so

There’s no such thing as Almond Milk or Soy Milk...it’s called juice. Until we genetically modify fruit to have udders that is...

I had a hard time posting last night, so please forgive my fat-finger attempts upthread. These had to be yellow jackets, not honeybees. Yellow jackets live in the ground, unlike honeybees, and will defend the nest aggressively, as described. Also, their numbers balloon in Sept. Another thing about yellow jackets is


Classic bee-racism. Blaming the Africanized bees for being “aggressive” while the European bees are “civilized” and orderly in their attacks

My parents were in Mexico once, when the centre of the city they were in came to a standstill. They saw guys in what looked like hazmat suits and they thought there was a spill of some sort. Nope Africanized honeybee nest.

Right. It’s nothing special about hair, rather it’s just more surface area to get caught in.

Bees get caught in long hair.

I’m only slightly exaggerating when I say that my state heaved a collective sigh of relief and cried at the same time. I was so worried that his parents were never going to get any type of closure in their lifetimes.

I’m crying on the toilet, and I didn’t even have Chipotle yesterday.

The bar is so low because people generally suck. I agree that this fact itself is lamentable, but still... good guy is good guy on this one and it’s nice to see people acknowledge it.

A guy with facial hair like that couldn't be anything less than a gigantic turd.

the first time i ever got in trouble, my cousin (who was babysitting me) brought me to a protest where we threw literal crap at a picture of him. i was about 10 at the time. one of the best experiences of my life.

Someone needs to take Rudy’s keys. Seriously. Quit talking to him. He genuinely thinks Hillary stole his Senate seat and now his presidency. Now he’s after Beyonce again. This dude has old white man disease.