no. thanks for catching that. i’m usually done in 12 or so. also: why i don’t do lsd much, i have way to much shit to do for that kind of fun.
no. thanks for catching that. i’m usually done in 12 or so. also: why i don’t do lsd much, i have way to much shit to do for that kind of fun.
don’t nix it; it’s one of those drugs that is supposed to open you up to the rest of the world. this was some other bullshit.
got to have been cut/combined with something. i mean, i’ve never actually had a bad trip, and i anticipate someday having my breakfast decide to speak to me, and it getting weird, but every experience i’ve had has been nothing like this.
that being said, i’ve seen bad and angry trips; but i do always question what…
ugh. i read some on this last night. it’s just one of those things that is so sad. 5 years is a long time to be with a family. i’ve had my two oldest for 5 years, they are not biologically mine, but i’m their step mother. we don’t use the “step” prefix for any of our conversations with anyone. i’m their “mom”, they’re…
i’m already set....MAN (sorry, i feel like that is an obligatory ending).
not even going to lie, after i got a little stoned and saw this last night, i totally imagined him later. and it was good.
that was my thought too. i mean, i think we’ve all made some pretty bad choices along the way.
i’m not going to google how big those are, but most puppies and small dogs and cats are fair game.
my grama started toting around a shotgun and i had to explain to her that that was still a federal offence even if they are trying to get your kitties. i don’t think she cares.
they so famous!
this is true. circle of life and all that shit, but it’s pretty awful to see your family pet up there getting devoured after you let them out in the yard to go do the business.
i live in a small town with a world-renowned eagle cam. you would not BELIEVE how many people’s little pets end up up there in the nest for supper. it’s terrible.
also, my friend used to work at the chamber of commerce as the secretary, she said people used to call in all the time with things like “hey, the eagles…
all these down-with-oprah posts aside (which i’m not discrediting, bc anti-vaxxers put my kid who can’t get vaccinated on a normal schedule due to legit medical reasons at risk), o’s glasses are awesome in this pic!
Would watch.
i did not realize how hunched he is.
seriously. fuck this guy. all the rage.
yeah, but i can’t dislike jon hamm. i’ve tried. even his characters. there’s something about him that just makes them immune.
oh lord, this was my jam all through high school. also the reason i threw up at family thanksgiving when i was 17.
not very many, i’ll be honest. i mean, i found the situations funny, but just not the execution maybe? yeah, i’ll agree with that, very unlikable together, which is what they’re going for i guess?
we’re dealing just fine. mainly because our heroines have reinforced our knowledge that it’s okay to have our own opinions.