haha, vaper. that’s funny, and it somehow passes as some sort of a hippie-child name.
side-note, i got one of those but it’s so weird and wet. i can’t get behind it, but my lungs are starting to feel like maybe it’s the best choice.
haha, vaper. that’s funny, and it somehow passes as some sort of a hippie-child name.
side-note, i got one of those but it’s so weird and wet. i can’t get behind it, but my lungs are starting to feel like maybe it’s the best choice.
I hadn’t seen Meet Your Second Wife, so I checked it out this morning. Thank you! Hilarious (especially since I’ve been a second wife...twice.)
yeah, usually i’m game for semi-offensive humor (in moderation) but i just did not find anything remotely funny about her show. just trying way too hard.
someday they will connect the dots and everything will make sense. i remember figuring out why all of my dad’s brothers always called him “roach”.
It helps in the later years too. Mine range 7-13. Believe me.
I recently realized that we had become kind of like stoner parents. I don’t like the description, because it makes us seem so irresponsible and burned out, and that’s not us. We are active and engaged parents. We have honest conversations with our kids. Our oldest is 13 and when she went through DARE we worried a…
why would you do that?!?!
yeah. this is not what i needed to hear at the start of my day. what the fuck is wrong with humans? i hate them. my heart just aches for this boy and his family.
i thought this was an absolutely hilarious and adorable way to look at censorship. my kids agreed.
clown shoes. i will be using that now.
my husband fell in with some really fucking out-there born agains when he was younger. speaking in tongues, snakes, and a weird amalgamation of all the strange christian things you hear about, but he used to keep a bible in his car. somebody stole it and he figures that if somebody needed to steal a bible, they needed…
It’s Iowa and we’re sorry.
was waiting for someone to mention it before i wrote a new entry. yes. please. more sense8.
I find myself wishing I could hide the image like you can on facebook newsfeeds.
did that awhile ago. but they just keep disappointing me. so, have faith that humanity will keep surprising you with how much it sucks.
ugh! why is it so wet-looking? his beard is shiny. why??
My fridge is a goat cheese hotspot. I don’t have enough goats milking right now to have the milk truck pick up, but I don’t want to just feed it to the cats and dogs. So I just make cheese. Cheese and cheese and cheese.
no apology required.
my 7yo saw the new jurassic park and i was explaining to her about how scary i thought the velociraptors were in the original and she laughed at me, explaining that she saw it at her dad’s house and that she thought it was super funny. :/
i also use the hidey hat if the walking dead gets to be too…
my youngest is 7 too. she plays “star wars” at recess with her friends. i am SO glad that she has got someone kickass like rei now to be in pretend games.
she was a little scared of original ghostbusters, but her older sister is 13, so she gets a little bit of stuff that her classmates don’t get exposed to,…