Aye Bee

I wont even bother getting on my Toni Morrison soapbox today.

This was different and not just down everyday drama from Issa’s lack of will. She actually had an legit emergency that wasn’t her fault. Issa is evolving and Molly wants to be the save-a-hoe friend, for her ego boost. When Issa didn’t need her for a change and had another knowledgeable, black, successful woman—Condola

Andrew definitely doesn’t consider this a big ask - he works for LiveNation, this is probably his job. Also at one point when Molly was jealous because Issa was excited about Condola’s connections, Molly herself said “You know Andrew and he works for LiveNation so you have connections too.” She was at the very least,

See, I interpreted Andrew not telling Molly differently - I saw it as something that was so NOT an imposition to him that he didn’t think it was worth mentioning. He was probably like “Sure” when Nathan asked him, and it was five minutes of his time. When Molly told Andrew “You know [Issa and I] aren’t cool right

Molly was wrong on all points. She’s the Toni character from Girlfriends (which Prentice Penny also wrote for). Issa is closer to Persia than Tracee, but she’s the one we’re rooting for.

Molly met Andrew through Nathan when Issa and Nathan were seeing each other, so Issa has her own connection to Andrew via Nathan. Nathan re-established contact with Issa via that voicemail last episode and apparently asked Issa if she needed help; I don’t think it’s wrong of Issa to be like, “well, actually, I do need

They think their money = success, and success = intelligence. The more money they have the smarter they think they are so then they feel it is their benevolent duty to reshape the world in their image using their money and their unwaivering faith in their own mediocrity.

I totally concur. At the end of the day, that’s his brother, not a simply Black man. I think people were reacting more to how White people reacted to his actions than his actually actions. Like you said, he’s the one who has to live with a missing brother all those brothers and holidays for the rest of his life. He

Dear (any celebrity that I have ever enjoyed),

If they don’t want us to use it, they should stop saying it so much.

I don’t use “cracker,” because I find it offensive. I use “cracka,” which is ok and completely different.

Well written Panama. I had my eye on Jidenna when he first emerged on the scene partly because of his image. His clothing style was so atypical of hip-hop. It was FLYYYYYYYYYY, like Bentley Fonsworth but elevated, he wasn’t a male servant, he was the master, the Chief!

100% agreement.

Best line!

Every one of his tattoos looks like he got paid on Friday, went out drinking that night, then tossed his last two crumpled twenties on the counter of the dirtiest shop in town and asked “What’ll this get me?”

I told my daughters and I tell my students the reason to go to college is not to get a good job, but to finish growing up to be the person you want to be for the rest of your life. I tell them to choose a college based on the kind of people they’ll meet there, the kind of activities they will participate in there, the

“you don’t deserve to be seen as less black because you’re not ratchet. That’s reductive and exactly where the people who want you to be marginalized want you to stay. Wearing it as some badge of honor instead of realizing what’s been withheld from you or what you’re denying yourself access to is counterproductive.”

So which one of the complete assholes described in the article are you? My money is on “person at the back of the plane trying to sprint down the aisle like an idiot 5 seconds after the plane reaches the gate.” But really you could be any of these.

You faded in front of her when you yelled Roll Tide.

I visited this incredible museum on a long road trip around the south in 2015 and it changed me forever for all the same reasons. It was so, so, so visceral and educational and immersive—the bus, the life-size dioramas, the recording of interviews with Ruby Bridges while the video plays of her walking up the sidewalk,