Aye Bee

1. Jason saw how his mom dealt with one of the twins. I also think it’s highly possible that he saw her deal with Red, too. When she pulls him out of the locker, he is terrified of his own mother. He was also alone with Red for significant period of time - she might have said something that got him thinking.

And, most importantly, how many women and girls victimized by him are watching us watching him and wondering why so many of us think this is so fucking funny?

I would write a check for 5 million dollars and then cancel it as soon as it’s sent... in honor of the subject.

It was everything. Glen was out there living her best life...

This gave me LIFE!!!

I have questions about #20. But yes, Dame Helen Mirren is a snack and Billy Porter rocked that gown. Loved the clip floating around of Glenn Close gapping in awe over it and her butt was in 42 pounds of beads

Oh please girlfriend, white people are not taking sha-zizzle from any of yo <insert n-word here>‘s any more or less than they always have. [Editors note: that’s my take on an old white guy appropriating what he thinks is some sort of hip black language that he kind of remembers hearing a few years ago, and then trying

When I’m elected President I will offer you the position of chief for Speech Writer.

Welfare = bad; because people need to be encouraged to work

That was part of my work life for 10 years, and I hated it. More than any other “media outlets” operating in America, Fox Propaganda Network (because they DO NOT relay the news) is a MAJOR contributor to this insanity by giving voice and the appearance of legitimacy to a whole host of depravity and debauchery. And you

The clitoris has eight thousand nerve endings and still isn’t as sensitive as a white man on the Internet.

Hey Haruhara,

Because it’s 10 years old.

Yes, Peej, the Soulja Boy content I need!! There are so many levels to that interview, and I went through all of em.

Especially a reporter. Shouldn’t her first instinct be “Hey, what’s going on over there? Let’s go find out!”

Exactly, I hate these privileged Bs. She couldn’t be bothered to stop and ask someone “what is that sound? What does it mean, etc.?” She went strait for demeaning! I can’t stand these Bs!!

Seriously - if a bunch of people start simultaneously making the same sound or motion, it’s obviously due to some shared history. Figure out what it is rather than blasting some dismissive BS.

Chelsea Jane was just discombobulated being in the presence of so many undoubtedly beautiful, tressed and dressed, good-smelling, well-educated Black women! She didn’t know we existed, had never thought she’d feel so completely inferior and then they all started making a sound?! She thought it was Invasion of the

Fellow White People, repeat after me: “I’m confused. What’s going on?”

Why do all black republican men look like they have second jobs moonlighting as funeral home directors?