
I'm horrible with names and faces, but I think it's Lea Michelle. Hence the whole "scream queens" thing.

Perfectly ripe honeydew, thinly sliced prosciutto, and a squeeze of fresh lime. There is nothing like it on this earth.

one count of possession of corruption by threatening a public servant

Now the song from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is running through my head. Thanks for the earworm!

Thanks to a slightly misspent youth, all that it running through my head now is:

I still haven't gotten over the fact that they cut How Can Love Survive, which is my favorite. You can still hear the melody being played by the orchestra during the party scene, which only makes me miss it more.

Don't forget Dame Judi Dench!

No problem - I'm just so proud when I can keep up, I can't help showing off a bit. :-)

It's reference to a previous dress code article about a school that banned girls from wearing leggings to school because they would distract the boys.

Well, they're saying it's alright to wear those slutty leggings. so maybe...

My father had an theory - he decided that there must be a direct connection between my mother's ears and her breasts, because once she stopped breastfeeding, she also stopped hearing us cry when we woke up in the middle of the night, so he had to go put us back to sleep.

Just wondering why the headline of this article says that the students were suspended, when the President's statement clearly says they were expelled? Big difference.

This is from the Temple at Edfu in Egypt:

Gee, thanks! Since you're being so nice about it, I won't even bother to add the Pittsburgh style version, with french fries in the sandwich.

I could use blue cheese instead...

I'll see your funnel cake cheeseburger and raise you a raspberry chocolate grilled cheese sandwich:

I believe that what you meant to say was "Go Christianity! And take the Tea party with you!" I could, of course, be wrong...

What, no love for Leonard Nimoy and #LLAP?

IIRC, the mani-cam was introduced at the height of the nail art trend. It was a way of showing off some very elaborate manicures. Now that no one is doing that on the red carpet, it was past time to get rid of it.

Or Charles Barkley, who said of possible dates for his daughter, "Well, I figure after I shoot the first one, word will get around."