
I'm in the same boat. I can't decide if it's a blessing or a curse, because I really do not like needles. On the other hand, that whole saving lives bit...

Unfortunately, I must agree.

I can't believe I'm about to delve into the crazyville that is Tyra Banks, but: I think she's trying to do a combination of doggerel and humblebrag. The brunettes and redheads in the board room are the brown dress and red carpet of the "gala room." I'm guessing "gala room" was supposed to be the opposite of

My parents once came home from a week long opera extravaganza (the whole Ring cycle) with seat cushions that read "The mind cannot absorb what the flesh cannot endure." We still quote that to the next generation.

"Amazon will send your gift recipient an email on the day you choose, along with redemption instructions. The gift recipient can start their Prime membership right away. If the recipient is already a Prime member, the gift can be exchanged for an Amazon.com Gift Card."

"Amazon will send your gift recipient an email on the day you choose, along with redemption instructions. The gift

Mercy buckets!

They're not. They're called horse d'orfs.

I think it has a lot to do with sex and class. If you're female, I think doctors are more likely to prescribe opioids because they simply don't know how to correctly treat some diseases in women (ie heart attacks, where until relatively recently it was believed that symptoms were the same for men and women, because

Why don't these "neighborhood" assholes just chip in and buy a snowblower? For $20 apiece, they could take turns clearing a section of the street. It would take maybe 1/3 of the time it takes to shovel a space out, and there's more room for cars when you don't have two foot snow banks in between spaces.

My problem with the whole "thirsty" thing is that I don't ever remember seeing on this site until the article about the thirstiest people appeared. Then all of the sudden everyone's thirsty. And yeah, it's a really annoying word when used in that context.

What the hell is going on with all this "on accident" crap? Cranky Old here to remind you that things are done "accidentally" or "by accident;" on accident is simply incorrect. And, as always, get off my lawn!

Ketchum, ID = Sun Valley ski resort. And I'd go back there in a heartbeat.

So 1D covers Springsteen and the internet doesn'y explode? How'd dat happen?

I have pretty much the same fear. I cannot process the whole "going to sleep and never waking up" thing - I just start to hyperventilate, and get the screaming heeby-jeebies, and have to hug my cat or something. The whole thing about how our galaxy is going to collide with the Andromeda galaxy in a couple billion

You can tell when your child goes from an infant to a toddler when you no longer want to kiss their feet.

Every time I see "feminist knitting circle," all I can think of is the old "Ladies' Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society" tee shirts from when I was a kid (yes, I'm old).

When my sister left her tween and teen aged kids at home, her admonition was "only call if there's a lot of blood or a fire."

Wow - thank you for sharing that with me. I'm not sure now if I missed an opportunity or dodged a bullet. Either way makes it a bit easier to deal with. Thanks again.

Thank you. "Reeled in and tossed back" is a pretty good description of what I'm feeling. I'm so confused right now - I really feel like we could have at least been good friends, and he was really open and charming, and then.... blargh. I can't decide if I fucked it up by issuing the invitation, or if this was what

Anyone feel like giving some advice to the broken-hearted? Well, maybe not broken, but definitely a bit bruised. I met this guy while he was doing some work for me, and we really hit it off. The first day he worked with me, we just talked for eight hours straight. I saw him for about three more days over the next