
I think an old episode of QI had a question about this. The answer was that cats will usually wait about three days before eating a human to allow the skin to slacken, making the body easier to eat. I have no idea if it’s true, of course, but I can seriously picture my cat spending three days sharpening her claws and

I,m still trying to figure out how anybody thought a movie based on a musical based on a book of poems with very little narrative thread.  People go to the movies to see a story; with Cats, there never was one.

The best part is that so far not one of the accusers have filed to claim any of the $25 million. They have stated that they are all proceeding with their civil cases.

Thanks - I didn’t know that that’s how she identified. But unfortunately, for a large portion of the British population, she’ll always be just a non-white person, which is unacceptable for a Royal.

The British press will never get over the facts that 1) Meghan is black and 2) She didn’t (and doesn’t) need the Royals to make her famous. Anyone marrying into the royal family is supposed to be so incredibly thankful for the chance to be associated with them that they give their entire future to The Country. They’re

Let’s back up a bit here. Epstein was given a sweetheart deal by the prosecutors, but the co-conspirators have to remain anonymous. So who really got the sweetheart deal, Epstein (who ended up being arrested too many years later), or the co-conspirators who still remain anonymous. Well connected as he was, I still

My mother was an English teacher.  Every now and then I would say something like “Me and Heather are going to the store” just to watch her head explode.  But yes, a love of literature and the written word were two of the many amazing gifts she gave me.

I think you answered your own question at the end there...

The difference is that we don’t lock workers into factories and pay them slaves wages at the behest of the government. We don’t have the army drag people out their houses and execute them without trial for making a comment that even seems to criticize the government. We don’t physically harm our citizens by demanding

So basically, you’re saying that it’s perfectly fine to abandon your morals as long as there’s money to be made?

There is a very stark choice here: be happy with the billions and billions of dollars you can make in non-authoritarian countries, or sell your soul for a few billion more.

What about Shimmer?  It’s a floor wax - and a dessert topping!

The deal with the prosecutor in Florida was never about Jeffery Epstein. It was negotiated by the co-conspirators, who also made sure Epstein had the easiest time he could in prison. You think sentences like Epsteins’ just happen because of an inept prosecutor? The one important thing in the deal was that the

Basically, it didn’t matter where AB went from Pittsburgh; he was always going to end up with the Pats.  Drew Rosenhaus just had to change the location in the script, and AB played everything to perfection.

I think this was a Drew Rosenhaus Production from day one.

I don’t know why everyone’s being so hard on the Bills. They tried in every possible way to lose that game. It certainly wasn’t their fault they didn’t.

In the late ‘80s, I worked for a very large (offices in multiple cities, etc.) ad agency. During the time I was there, two managers ended up taking maternity leave. Each one was gone for a few months, then came back and seemed to just pick up where they left off. Everything went smoothly when they returned, and higher

So is this the first time winning a Darwin Award has actually caused at least two other people to win Darwin Awards?

Boxers will keep dying as long as they keep using gloves. Bare knuckle fighters didn’t/don’t die. The blows are actually not as powerful when you don’t have the extra weight of the gloves (yeah, I know 8 oz. or whaterever), but there is a bunch of information about much safer it is (can’t embed the link: https://www.wa

She drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.  *sad sigh*