
"I would probably do it if he would let me (doubtful, though—my current boyfriend takes a way more hardline feminist stance on this than I do)."

When I adopted my first cat from the SPCA, they made sure I would be keeping her indoors. The person who was helping me told me two things I never forgot: 1. The average life expectancy of an indoor cat is 16 years. For an outdoor cat, it's 3. 2. "Better indoors and fat than outdoors and flat."

ARGHH! Feminism is in no way "exclusionary!" Only individual feminists are. It's this kind of crap that creates divisiveness. The feminist movement was created to be uplifting for all women, full stop. Are there individual feminists, and groups of feminists, who do not live up to this ideal? Of course. But

Alan Rickman is Puddleglum. You're welcome.

Ann Coulter IS a troll. Haven't you seen her place under the bridge?

I think I read/heard somewhere that the shoes are all Birkenstocks. And they sure look it.

Hedgehogs are one of the most popular pets in England, and can literally be found under the hedge in thousands of English gardens. They are in no way an endangered species, and can become very attached to their owners. And besides. Mrs. Tiggywinkle!

Could someone please explain to me what it is about the David Kirsch tweet that warrants inclusion in Tweet Beat?


Preach it, sister. This stuff is crap.

I've always wondered about that. You always hear about how the models are just supposed to be walking coat hangers, shouldn't smile or call attention to themselves, etc. Then they slather their faces with weird-ass makeup and put bird's nests on their heads. How are we not supposed to look at them?

The major difference in the two types of gut bacteria are that the predominant ones in fat people extract more calories from the same food than the skinny ones. In other words, a salad may be 200 calories for a skinny person, and 230 for a fat one. But scientists don't know what that difference in calorie absorption

And Flash Gordon was there...

Who needs structure? I mean, it's not like women have hips or waists or anything.

Finally! A designer is actually trying to pawn off on thinner people the horrific prints in awful color combinations that they usually save for us plus size gals!

His cat may only have a Bachelor's degree on "Tossing kitty litter all over the damn place," but mine has earned her Master's in "scratching any damn thing on the floor into the litter box!"

I had a cousin who once upon a time was asked to do a fashion shoot in Bimini, modeling barely-there bikinis. When her father, a doctor, saw the pictures, his only response was "She must have shaved a lot."

If a rabbit can teach itself to herd sheep, jump an obstacle should be no problem:

"By saying there needs to be porn for women, you’re basically isolating women as a gender, and saying, 'This is how women should think. This is how their sexuality should be.'