I'm thinking this has something to do with a Maypole-type thing?
I'm thinking this has something to do with a Maypole-type thing?
Where is the obligatory Jesse Williams picture?!? Please add one for me, because it's way past my bedtime and I need to sleep soon.
Nope, not the only one - but as I recall someone usually stepped out on their ladyfriend, not their partner.
And I cannot wrap my head around anyone thinking that Donald Trump and Iman would be able to be in a room together without The Donald's head exploding from her sheer awesomeness.
When will celebrities realize that absolutely nobody can see what the fuck their grills look like, and that they paid thousands of dollars to look like they haven't brushed their teeth in week? Yeah, I think never too.
How right you are!
He is the bee's knees, to be sure.
Otterly adorable - yes!
I'm the exact same way. My family will no longer borrow books from me because they know that if they make even the tiniest little crack in the binding, they will never hear the end of it.
When I was in London last year, I swear that every third woman on the streets was wearing shorts over black leggings/tights. The look was just everywhere. I assume this is just a way to keep these poor women from actually having to put on two separate articles of clothing.
Lovejoy?!?!?! Seriously????? Did not recognize his voice at all.
It sounds kind of, but not quite, like David Bowie...?
THANK YOU!!!!! I will always and forever worship at the Alter of Awesomeness dedicated to Miss Grace Jones.
My cousin once brought a cockatoo home from God knows where. He didn't have a cage for it, so it flew around the house and became... shitbird.
Actually, no, you are not alone...
How incredibly inappropriate.
The funniest part to me is that here in Buffalo, one of the greatest civil rights activists was named Frank Messiah. He was a truly great guy (they lived down the street from us when I was growing up), and I believe his daughter is a Muslim, which would probably drive this judge around the bend.
How old am I that one of my first responses to this video was "Landshark!"