
lol - I know, right!?

And 8 seconds! I must be really really old... Seems like that’s not mentioned much, and it was a great performance IMO. 

Good take.

It would have been way funnier if he had bought out the entire venue.

Pretty sure those were party poppers...

It’d be nice if they offered more options. Like annuity spread out over 5, 10, or 15 years. I mean I’m 44, and it’s unlikely I’ll see 74, so those options would be nice. 380-400 million in one shot wouldn’t last me more than a few years and that would be very embarrassing

What a kroc’a’deal.....

And sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

I believe... That the children are the future. Now listen, you can teach them well, but buddy, you have got to let them lead the way. And let the children’s laughter...just remind us of how we used to be. That’s what I decided long ago...

That video actually made me sad. Poor thing.

So it’s a 2015 STi that’s more exaggerated. Got it. I’ll keep mine.

I should probably add some context. That was in Cardenas Cuba in April of 2016. :P I went out to grab a burger. lol

Back in 1996 I went to a bull fight in Acapulco Mexico. We were three guys on vacation and thought it would be fun to go see a “bullfight”.


This is e

The first time (and only time) I was ever “under” was for the pulling of my wisdom teeth. They pulled all four, and two of those were below the gum line. I’ll say this. It’s a top 2 pain and suffering moment. When I ruptured my spleen it was worst, but man, the teeth thing haunts me to this day.

The same thing, but around here we used to call the longer wheelies a “catwalk”. Not sure why. Anyway, here’s and after shot of a wheelie I did on my Gio!!!! lol

The tape drives worked well. I used to play Captain Beeble, Frogger and QBert off those, so I can vouch that they were safe. Then, Candle and GE came out with high speed dubbing... sigh... That’s probably why they “probably use” the floppy as a precaution now.

This is misinformation to throw everyone off. They use tapes.