
First (& last) trip was March. The whole place stinks of weed and despair.

you’ve got a friend in me

It’s got some kitsch value. Nowhere near $7500, but some. It could be fun for $1k, as long as the seller replaces that Ed Gein steering wheel with something I would be willing to touch.

People go to Disney to escape the real world. 

If anyone wondered this for over 10 seconds without just figuring it out on their own I’m, worried.

He really should’ve known this would be how it played out because the exact same thing happened in Talledegha Nights when Reilly marries Ricky Bobby’s wife.

He was not a happy camper

That stereotype that BMW drivers don’t use their turn signals is total bullshit. I have two BMWs and use my signals at least a few times per year...

That was my thought, if you have power, then you can either back down towards the hinge to cause minimum (or possibly no) damage, or gun it and hope reality is the same as the movies.

Well that second case is a violation of the Geneva Convention, even Predators have a human operator. So.... maybe.

You’re in luck. This is the 104D which is the tandem seat training version. The 104 was the single seat fighter version. 

Billl regularly fills up at that particular gas station in Chile, so he knows what he is talking about.

Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.

Make sure you don’t get anyone else in your shot. Or better yet, don’t take one if there are any people around.

You mean like this?

He was released yesterday!

312,000 because people have lots o’ monies, and 555 because:

“What’s more, if you show up to that $13/hr job for a year on time and don’t steal, and work reasonably hard while you’re there, you’ll probably get a couple of raises (took my son about 9 weeks for the first one), and if you want to you’ll be a salaried manager with benefits within 18 months. They aren’t glamorous