“All season long, professional cyclists have been run getting over by motorcycles during races.”
“All season long, professional cyclists have been run getting over by motorcycles during races.”
Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic read!
I’m not sure why the guy at 0:50 is in this vid. Obviously, clearly, that was a cheap set up... BUT MAN, did I laugh at that. Single handily destroys a treadmill by using it. I couldn’t do that kind of damage with a bat!! And, the dude..HE does it all using his body and face. AMAZING!
lol - I spit beer out of my nose. Nicely done.
Youz d’ah best...
I agree. Fantastic read.
When I was younger I worked for 10 days at Frontier Days in Cheyenne Wyoming. It’s a rodeo festival where “Lane Frost got killed by Bodacious”. Anyway. This brought back memories because at the end of the ‘carny day’ we would party ‘till 3-4 a.m.. One day, we had this weird type of storm and I remembered a huge…
The reality is, they probably paid the company a million dolla cash, and they ran it straight through the machinery.
Feel the Bern......
HAHAHA . This was AMAZING. “Had she been disabled... no mam... “. That’s a guy who’s going right to hell.
I’ll have to pick that gold one with the dragon. I drooled... That made me happy.
Very appropriate. lol. Beer came out of my nose. : ) What a great tune.