Axis Of Oversteer

Turns out he has to skip LeMans because he has to go to pre natal classes... true story.

When you can’t talk intelligently about anything, shit on Ferrari. That always works.

Oh man,  can I have some of what you’re smoking?

Blame Seinfeld

Not a simple as that, buyers shipped the car to the UK and had it authenticated by an expert, presumably as some expense. That said, it’s clear from the filing they intended to flip the car and I hate flippers so my sympathy for them is limited.  But, Jerry, leaving a voicemail offering to unwind the sale? not wise.

and Chris Harris actually can say hi...

Is Paul Tracy they guy who used to crash all the time?


Showing once again how utterly useless is

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Yes...alternative facts.....right. Carry on.

I mean, it’s F4 but, whatever

it’s not a “loophole”... and they only fell off one car.

“ don’t know how many Nissan GT-Rs there are across the country that say GDZLLA on the back but I can assure you it is too many.”

I guess I meant HOV lanes that have double lines with entrances/exits a few hundred yards long.

that’s probably why designated HOV lane entries and exits points exist. Car is trying to merge after squeezing from the center lane, not a great move even if the biker had not been there

well, I would say it’s hardly an innocent until proven guilty situation here given that graphic, and past attitudes. but whatever, it’s steaming pile of bullshit

there is no such thing as zero miles....

I mean, it says so right there, so it HAS to be for real. After all it comes from a reputable source, a disgruntled ex employee of a FLORIDA dealership as quoted by the Daily Mail (and Jalopnik). It’s definitively true....believe me! :)