
Yeah that was some real bullshit alright. 

Yeah that was some real bullshit alright. 

Twitter Rolls Out Encrypted Messaging, Don’t Trust It

So now he’s moved on from threatening people who use Twitter to threatening people who don’t use Twitter?  Another bold strategy from the big genius!

When someone asks me to define woke, I say that it is going out of your way to not be an asshole, and that anti-woke is going as far out of your way as possible, to make absolutely certain that you are being as much of an asshole as possible, to as many people as possible. It’s the default setting of the insecure

This. All Day Long.

With the exception, I hope, of things like “I woke up early this morning.”

now hes giving them to people with over a million followers because everyone was making fun of the dipshits who pay.

Musk continues to prove he’s a giant piece of shit.

Didn’t Musk say he was going to step down as Twitter boss after that poll he ran? Feels like forever ago. :(

Elon Musk’s relentless shitposting in the name of free speech “is perpetuating racism.”

Oh, erp, didn’t mean it that way...

You realize that the way that’s written that you’re saying unbanning white supremacists and other jerks improved twitter, right :)

Musk isn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand, let alone multiple large companies.

He has no idea what he’s doing. Other than unbanning a bunch of white supremacists and other jerks, he has not done a single thing to actually improve Twitter since he took over.

In theory, maybe it makes sense - charging people for your product. But in reality, the Venn diagram of people who pay for Twitter and the worst people in the world is almost a complete circle. The Paid Blue Checkmark is a giant flashing sign that you are a terrible, terrible person.

Wow, best post so far. More people need to hear from folks like you. Thank you from way up here in NH.

Add some PV panels in between the windmills and oil rigs and you’re diversifying!

perception is more important than reality. I am glad you posted this it is hopeful but others will hold onto their anti progress agendas.

This was a nice view once...

Good. He should. This is ridiculous, hypocritical grandstanding by the GQP. As usual.