
You can already do this with a streaming capture adapter. Or carry a portable USB-C/HDMI display that not only will do multi-monitor with a laptop - but can take input from any console. I do this with a 17" 1440P portable screen for my Switch or Samsung phone in DeX mode to run multiple game platforms.

Nothing stopping these knobs from buying their own servers. They get the boot for being dicks and are now crying for attention.

“Parler’s Implosion, Explained” Simplified:

Fuck off moron.

Now is the time to easy up on social distancing and go back to work?

I’ll apologize and send him some Brawndo.

Don’t slander President Camacho like that! He’d find the smartest person he could and put that person to work on the problem!

Not enough stars.

You can’t fix stupid. You can just keep it away from anything important. Of course, this being America, we made it President.

What, capitalism can’t withstand being idle for even a week? Isn’t it supposed to be the greatest system ever? Just cut a check to COVID-19 and make it go away. Thought money fixes everything.

Cool cool cool, looking forward to burying my immune supressed father to help the stock market go up a tenth of a percent and help the Dear Leader get re-elected.

Ok jesus my bad Kinja kinda quadrupled that. I meant to copy it like 5 or 6 times. 


That line of thinking is just silly. Yes they’ll congregate elsewhere. Of course they would. But if they are on Facebook they are on a platform that millions of people visit DAILY. If they get the boot from Facebook and other major platforms eventually they’ll wind up on some nothing website like with

Yes. It’s called “Not being Donald Trump.”

Well, the problem with your understanding is that Nancy Pelosi and AOC can’t actually do anything in the Senate, because they are in the House.

I thought Alita was fine. I wish it told a complete story instead of using the 3rd act to setup a sequel. 

As an animator, I agree with you. But I would still hold the animator responsible too. I don’t know a single animator that would flat out copy another company’s work. We copy each others work, sure, but it’s on the same shows and we’re re-using to save time (because yeah, deadlines are stupid). Flat out copying the

They most certainly have that right.

You should read the whistleblower’s report they just released. It’s very clear that not only did the president endanger national security, the White House conspired to hide the evidence.