

Good work! Now all you have to do is ditch the “slideshows” and you’ll be a functional site again.

It’s time for the great #TwitterExodus.

(Insert big yawn.)

Here you go:

Musk is really bad at this?

We found the conspiracy nut on Gizmodo.

What an ignorant comment.

When I was a young kid living in Huntsville AL I went door to door getting signatures to name the Shuttle “Enterprise.” My brother and I got to meet Shatner, Nimoy and Nichols at the naming ceremony. Yeah I’m old.

My issue is that it was run like a Twitch channel and thats boring to me.

Guys, I can’t “not care” any more than I already am?

Ye’s account has now been locked on Twitter.

I will never use this. I guarantee it.


The only way an NFT would have any allure for me is if the original piece of art was destroyed to make the NFT. Sans that, I see no value at all.

MAGA’s and Evangelicals are cowards.

I could identify every scene in that trailer from the game and IMO thats a good thing.

Wow this does nothing to make governments take crypto seriously? Are we sure this asshole CEO is helping the cause?

First off. Why be a dick? Second. I don’t vape so I do not know. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Maybe next time lead with the carrot and not the stick?

I feel like the article is missing a few distinctions.