I don’t even have the Battle.net client loaded anymore. Seriously, fuck these guys.
I don’t even have the Battle.net client loaded anymore. Seriously, fuck these guys.
FYI a six week old fetus does not have a heartbeat. The noise you hear is electricity. https://www.wired.com/story/heartbeat-bills-get-the-science-of-fetal-heartbeats-all-wrong/
All this did was prove yet again that the marketing department should never be in control of the release schedule.
Remind me again why gaming invited the suits to the party? I was a developer before the suits came along. Sure it took a while to come out, but with 90% less bugs.
For anyone but a large corporation? Why would you stay on Windows 7? Bloated trash.
No. Jesus was brown. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/a234/1282186/
Ex-Game Dev here. (Happy Days: Mechwarrior, Mechwarrior 2 + Black Knight Unhappy Days: Virtual World Entertainment - Battletech) These games were a lot better developed before we invited the “suits” to the party. Too many executives, too many marketers. Eliminate 1/2 of each and give that cash to the artists and…
I did this with my neighbors. I handed them all a piece of paper with what the current channel usage was and proposed a config where no channels overlap on 2.4G. Some we’re not very network savvy and I offered to help them fix it as well. All is good in the hood now.
Origin access is great for newcomers but it stinks for avid gamers. For me to even think about Origin access I would need at least four to six games on Origin that I have not played already. Nope. BFV is the only one I haven’t played and there’s nothing on the horizon at all. There is ZERO value in Origin access for…
He’s right. That means push-up’s Maria. 100 of them. Go.
The long gun + shotgun debate is rediculous. No one is going to fire a shotgun from the roof. You will hit nothing.
Anyone else getting more than a year’s life out of these? I had 3 and they all died in the same month in different devices?
Anyone else getting more than a year’s life out of these? I had 3 and they all died in the same month in different…
My brother works for Wharton in IT. Trust me when I say they know exactly what you are doing. Speaking as a cisco ccna security guy myself. We know what you are doing. I don’t even need Sandvine to recognize the stream of data. It’s obvious. Do this stuff on your personal connection. Not the schools.
“I don’t need to check the cooling rods today! I checked them last week!” -Fukushima Daiichi employee
Turn off “auto sense” on both the switch port and the PC. Set them to “fixed - gigabit + full duplex.” Continue about your day.
Ubiquiti runs a fork of Vyatta OS which is on top of Debian Linux. Make sure to keep that Controller SW updated to stay on top of the Debian security updates. :-)
Dutch oven
Dutch oven
Why hasn’t Andrew Wilson fallen on his sword yet is what I want to know? He didn’t live up to the fans expectations and he also did not live up to Wall Streets expectations of profit for this title? Put someone in charge who has credibility with those two groups?
I think Ice Cube said it best to Bill Maher:
Cube continued, “My thing is this, I just want to know … what made you think it was cool to say that?” Maher replied, “There was no thought to it.”
Having just bought one today, my brother pointed me to this article. I pick it up on Saturday! :-)