
First world crimes against humanity. 9:16 is a crime! :-P

My method requires no tech support and no needed knowledge of where the emergency is. ALL first resp0nders do not get throttled. Sure, cops too. I would even go so far as the cell towers should bump any regular user off the cell if a first responder needs to make a call. The only requirement for first responders would

No. The wireless companies are playing the “don’t regulate me” game. This is super simple to resolve. Register IMEI’s of first responders in a DB and create a filter group in Sandvine’s software that says to ignore throttling on these IMEI’s.

Just leave? Facebook is done. It’s over.

I left Facebook in Jan 2018. You should too.

Your government cannot suppress free speech. A private company, however, can do whatever it wants. Recent “cake legislation” makes this perfectly OK.

I did this with my neighbors. I handed them all a piece of paper with what the current channel usage was and proposed a config where no channels overlap on 2.4G. Some we’re not very network savvy and I offered to help them fix it as well. All is good in the hood now.

This is why religion hates higher education. It doesn’t take long reading ancient history to come to this conclusion.

This is going to get those “safe spaces” closed from lack of traffic. There are more Democrats than Republicans in the US.

Please build this so I know where NOT to eat.

Put it in Texas. We’re corrupt as f***. We don’t care what you do.

30 year IT pro here. I not only get Facebook. I left it in Jan 2018 to never return to it.

Too little, too late. I left in Jan 2018 to never return.

Giggle. Mac’s dealing with issues PC uses dealt with in the 90's.

The 3rd party vendors could all do this easily. They just refuse to spend money on keeping up with it. It’s why I buy Google Pixel’s. If Samsung or someone else wants my money, this is the bar you must meet, and exceed to earn my cheddar.

I left Facebook in January and I don’t even pay HBO (directly) to watch HBO shows. I rent them later. Super cheap. :-)

That thing is going to touch your back while you are mid-grunt and you’re going to jump off that thing screaming with poop running down your leg.

Outsourcing. There are no web designers left at those companies. These were likely done in Costa Rica or Bangalore and selected for being the lowest bidder. I imagine some manager got a raise or a promotion for his cost savings?

Counterpoint: Proud Boys are just a bunch of pussies.