
If you haven’t left Facebook already. I recommend doing it soon.

Should read: Fox ‘News.’ 

Conservatives apparently don’t care about the lies. It’s pathetic.

Origin access is great for newcomers but it stinks for avid gamers. For me to even think about Origin access I would need at least four to six games on Origin that I have not played already. Nope. BFV is the only one I haven’t played and there’s nothing on the horizon at all. There is ZERO value in Origin access for

Counterpoint: Americans are prudes. No other country vilifies sex the way America does.

Block ad’s at the router. I use “Untangle” software firewall and I don’t even see the “please whitelist us” popup for Gizmodo, or any site for that matter. I just don’t see ad’s ever and so far nothing can detect it.

Screw that. I would prefer a “dislike” button.

Oh thank god! I’ve had mine in there for 3 years!

It’s not that hard to figure out people. The kids go to where their parents ARE NOT!

He’s right. That means push-up’s Maria. 100 of them. Go.

The problem isn’t the management. It’s the product.

Most with higher education can plainly see that Christianity was nowhere near the first religion and certainly not the last one. Just another in a sea of religions. Who is to say which is correct?

The long gun + shotgun debate is rediculous. No one is going to fire a shotgun from the roof. You will hit nothing.

Anyone else getting more than a year’s life out of these? I had 3 and they all died in the same month in different devices?

Anyone else getting more than a year’s life out of these? I had 3 and they all died in the same month in different

This is a bummer because all my friends and I use G+ over Facebook. We all left Facebook and refuse to return.

I left in January. I will never go back.

Having left Facebook in January to never return. This is fine.

The service is doomed.

Still a private company that is publicly traded.

My brother works for Wharton in IT. Trust me when I say they know exactly what you are doing. Speaking as a cisco ccna security guy myself. We know what you are doing. I don’t even need Sandvine to recognize the stream of data. It’s obvious. Do this stuff on your personal connection. Not the schools.