
Just leave Racistbook to the racists. I’ve left to never return.

I took a different path. I just quit Facebook instead. My Facebook feed was more like “Racistbook” as most of my old high school friends are now knuckle dragging racists.

I am used to it. In fact, movies look strange to me when it’s off now. I have a lazy eye and 24fps causes me a little strain as my lazy eye can see (track?) it. When I get an upscaled 4k/1080p at 60fps the strain is less on my eyes. Not for everyone. As long as the manufactures still leave the option there I don’t

Is there still time for me to add my name to this list? I want to add my name to the list.

I’ve quit Facebook until they figure out a way to combat fake news properly. My FB feed is riddled with fake news from sites in the “PolitiFact’s fake news almanac.” FFS if its known for fake news that URL should not be allowed to even be used on Facebook. It’s really that simple.

No sympathy for websites or the marketing guys who thought “in your face” advertising was the right way to go. You made your bed, now lay in it. You too Gizmodo, go to bed, act right or go to your room and think about what you did.

This dudes 15 minutes were up 4 years ago.

I do not want any of this to come to Android. Hideous. All of it. DO NOT WANT.

Born and raised Texan here. I don’t know what Smith is saying either. But the rest of the people in my state are too ignorant to elect someone mentally competent. So I am in the minority here. Sorry ya’ll.

None of this matters. What matters is if he was an official spokesperson for Google, or not. If he wasn’t, then speaking for the company publicly is a “no-no” and it’s up to Google on how to fix that. Firing him seems to be the result. Having an open discussion policy means open for discussion internally, NOT

You need to add “ home” to the end of the headline. Were I to not use MS Office to create my work documents they would not be digitally signed properly. There are a bevy of other business reasons for this need. Do I like MS Office? No not really. I agree that there are plenty of better options now but going

I think I will have a Campari on the rocks right now.

‘Facebook can do what they like. Dont care anymore. I left FB and I won’t return. There is so much fake news on there that is easily confirmed as fake news that I just don’t want to try to combat it any longer. Facebook is dead until they can fix that. I want Facebook to block known fake news when people try and post

This actually happened. I am Axiomatic-Liar. :-(

It’s not camouflage. Crabs are ultra sensitive about not having hair and this is their species attempt at “hair club for crabs.” :-P

?!Some of these a-holes TXT and drive. Add a Z axis and whoooo-boyyyy!?!

Is it too much to ask for swappable keys and LED underlighting? I’m in on that one. :-)

You are all overthinking this. If the gun comes out, cam goes on first. It’s that simple. Everything else can wait for the courts. But if the gun comes out, there better be video of it.

“Passe” is a little strong? “Not as popular” is more accurate. I still use a sound base as the place to put the TV in my living room does not have sheet rock where I could mount the 65" tv, it has brick.

The real hilarity is that this will just get the parents to cancel internet access. Again this silliness punishes the wrong parties.