Rockin 32Gb of RAM and I'm ready to play. Not sick of Zombies in the least. BRING IT!
Rockin 32Gb of RAM and I'm ready to play. Not sick of Zombies in the least. BRING IT!
It's not 6GB of VRAM just 6GB of RAM.
PLEX is, hands down, the best media streamer available. There is pretty much nothing that comes even close to the functionality of PLEX.
I've used them all. The Sonicare is the only one that truly works. Doesn't matter what model, any of them are superior to anything from another brand.
I've used them all. The Sonicare is the only one that truly works. Doesn't matter what model, any of them are…
Thanks for replying! I knew it was something like that.
You are all thinking about this wrong. We don't want a fix, we want another option. What we want is a radio button somewhere for "performance" and another for "power saving". What would be optimal is if Chrome read the settings for the current Windows power profile and reacted accordingly.
You missed the very best local TV tuner. AEREO. (R.I.P)
Shit! I'm fucked then.... my wife has a minor in philosophy.
Ummm Aereo might be gone some time in the future but its working just fine still. I'm watching it now.
I did that mission just last night!
Is it really too much to ask for to be a sportsman in competition now a days? Is civility passe? I don't think so but my son who is 10 is showing signs of incivility in his game-play lately and I have grounded him for it a few times now. I am an avid 45 year old gamer who refuses to raise another douchebag to join the…
I know this likely above most mortals. But get an old PC with dual NICs and load something like Untangle or ClearOS or PFSense. I've been running a UTM/Firewall for a while now and its ridiculous how many bot attacks are coming from Comcast's and AT&T's networks. I'm on Comcast and there is a particular bot with an IP…
Private Teamspeak server with my friends for the win. Fuck the ingrates and bigots. Natural Selection will weed them out.
I wish they would fix the TV app from locking up eventually and needing a hard power disconnect to straighten it out. I have read it leaks memory when the TV is in standby. Please fix this MS. Its annoying the hell out of my wife. I fear her more than I fear you MS.
I think you would be fine with the QNAP model. It will do all the things you want. I would suggest upping the array controler memory if it is an option on that model. Regarding Synology though, they have the best software interface to the NAS box bar none. My choice of QNAP was born more of $$$ as I got a deal on mine…
Man I had my vote in for the Roccat Kone XTD and I've owned all the mice on the list here and the Roccat Kone XTD whups them all. Why is the Roccat not on the list?