
Someone please video tape your friend when he uses this in a sports bar. The ass whuppin should be quite entertaining to watch on youtube.

This will be how the Zombie infection begins.

I've been in both beta's and there just a lot more to MWO than Hawken. In my opinion Mechwarrior universe is much more rich and the gameplay is very nuanced. Hawken is pure twitch.

PC version please? Take your time and do it right.

Aww man you got me beat. I have a 1.89TB VM of FreeNAS.

Meh. Nothing groundbreaking. Likely jumping to Android when my iPhone5 contract is up in 2014.

Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.

My wife runs her iTunes media folder off the same NAS and she has the same problem. The NAS folder for the music is around 400 Gigabytes and in my opinion iTunes has problems indexing a folder of that size. When a DLNA app uses the same folder it has no problems.

Well I wish that were so but its all over Gigabit Ethernet. The NAS box is a QNAP TS-459 Pro 2 with dual nics in a 2 Gig LACP bundle. Every other application performs perfectly except iTunes. It's not so much the actual streaming of the file. Its the reading of the file data and meta data that is ridiculously slow

I hate iTunes because it does not handle streaming from a large folder of AAC files off an NAS server. What's worse is the meta data management of said folder. Where as my PLEX server (or Twonky, or (insert DLNA application here) has no problem with the very same job. iTunes is just really bad at it on both Mac and PC.

Pro tip: Take 3/4's the money you were going to spend on the wedding and apply it to the honeymoon. You can thank me after you get back from your world tour.

VOTE: Handbrake

Unfortunately a large population of that 46% live in my state of Texas. I promise, not all of us are loonies down here.

Nomination: ROCCAT Kone XTD

I never expected privacy. Gmail is offering me a robust and very useful service for free. If I need secure mail I would stand up my own mail server.

Ethernet...exclusively if its available. Wi-fi wont have acceptable latency until after the AC spec.

I miss the fact that there were no "suits" at my game/software company.

Make with the PC port ASAP. My 360 and PS3 are the domain of my children now.

I am a type 2 diabetic. Food was staying in my stomach for too long (a gastric emptying test can be done to gauge this) and fermenting which causes damage to the vagus nerve. I was having symptoms that were like I was having a heart attack but then after the ambulance ride (7 of them) I had no signs of heart attack.

I hope she got a patent as this invention is worth a lot more than $50,000.