
I always liked Ebert right up the the point when he said "games are not art" and then it was all over. I have two art degrees. One in fine art, the other in 3D animation. Ebert never made a good argument that even once made me consider that games were not art.

Well I have FRIENDS and friends. There are way too many friends of mine on Facebook to have a good discussion with my FRIENDS without my friends all chiming in too. Google + circles to a good job of filtering that better so I can have both FRIENDS and friends but talk to my core group of FRIENDS when I want to.

"but these ersatz interactions satisfy a bibliophile"

Not a fan....

I think a better question is:

bloodfart seemed to work just fine.

Linux isn't even the linux of anything.... come on... that has to be the most self aggrandizing comment ever made.

The only place those should have ever been used were in loud construction or factory type situations. But having a conversation with one of those while shopping in a grocery store or mall... OR IN A CLASSROOM! Yeah... don't do it. #cockpunch

Peeps sushi=Pushi? Peeushi?

The animal insemination emoji from Microsoft Lync.

Depends on the hacker and the hack. Does the hack employ a robin hood type element where big (something) is stepping on the general populous and needs to be addressed? (Yay!) Or is the hacker taking action on a personal vendetta? (Booo!)

more original editorial type pieces where you voice an opinion and not just rebroadcast the same news other sites have.

Awww content removed.

Look Microsoft... I am a big fan... really I am, but Win8 is a tough sell in the Enterprise environments without that Start menu. I hate to say it but employees are dumb. I mean they "reply-all" to the most inane shit. You expect those types to work this Metro mojo? There needs to be choice still. The Win8 change was

Here is the best I could find:

When a steward or stewardess does not listen to a passengers concern because they feel like they need to be in control of the situation. It happens more than you think. They seem to forget we are paying a handsome fee to fly.

Hey Apple, want to go out back and burn a few books after recess today? Or maybe we could have a good old fashioned stoning. I'm sure there are a few people at Samsung you'd like to throw a few rocks at. I'll buy you a pony!

Going to have to agree with others. don't put up with it. Call your boss out if you know you were right. If they make it worse, quit. They wont be bosses much longer if people keep quitting under their lead.

Waning interest is the only reason I don't watch something recorded on my DVR. Realization of that waning interest nets a season pass deletion after about two weeks or so.

What is the desire to connect Sandy Hook to gaming? Whats the "win" situation? That games are considered bad, we have a "game banning/burning" and tank a 70+ billion dollar industry that is part of keeping the economy afloat?