
"to the mattresses" is a reference from the "Godfather" movies and it was apropos.

Well... being that crApT&T has not shipped my iPhone5 yet.... I'm still using the iPhone4...

Vibrating the tray/freezer/whatever is far easier. That's how the ice sculpture people do it.

Suck is such a tender word... maybe "fucking suck balls", or "pile of horse shit" might be in order?

The most shocking thing I ever learned on Facebook? As most of my old high school buddies get older they become more bigoted and vitriolic as the years go by.

See Jesus.... now you're just fucking with people.... this problem was not looking for a soapbox to stand on. Must have been a slow day at the Giz eh?

Gearbox.... THANK YOU!!!

2 million in 24 hours. So that's 83333.333333 whores per hour... right?

Secretly housing their body behind the sheet rock wall of my office and covering them with kitty litter was NOT an option???? Damn....

I'll wait for the one with all 8 extended cuts. Not because I'm that great a fan... but my daughter and I became much closer while these books/movies were coming out. I will will wait for the one with all 8 extended cuts to share it with her.

I'm not worried about being a jerk... I'm worried about how I feel like Apple's whore. WHORE I SAY!!! because their tech support aren't dummies and they are willing to allow custom scripts (PERL etc.) and help you integrate them on their servers.

Step 1: Look like GQ chiseled man model. (DAMN!!! Fail!)

Not one ounce of it is torrented. I have 4 bookcases filled with CD's.

Yay! Features I don't want.... All I want is for iTunes to not perform like a turd with a large music folder of MP3 / AAC's. And I don't even consider my library that big. It's about 250gb and its being hosted off a qnap ts-459 pro ii on a gigabit network. You'd think that would be optimal. And it is for every app

Re-reading the Michael Stackpole Battletech books again right now in fact. They hold up very well and as far as I am concerned and "could" be the next movie mega-hit if a good screenplay could be written from the Stackpole "Warrior" series as well as a follow up with the "Blood of Kerensky" series.

This should not diminish the Nokia 920, but hopefully the marketing asshat who attempted this stunt will be looking for a new job. Sell the features of your hardware.... if they don't stack up against the competition, pick another facet of the product to focus on that is better than the competition. But don't BS your

"if the ads are annoying" should not be a valid option. All that will do is get advertisers to make more annoying ads so more people will pay. That's a vicious cycle I want nothing to do with.

Looks fantastic. I will buy this for sure. Every Naughty Dog game deserves a buy. Just a top notch game company.

So I kind of think this goes part and parcel with my standard commentary on Kotaku that gaming was better before we invited the "business suits" to the party. Sure games got to market slower, but I'm not so sure that was a bad thing. Kickstarter removes a lot of what those suits bring to gaming.