That is a confusingly written sentence. I had to read it a few times before getting that she missed seeing the school bus.
That is a confusingly written sentence. I had to read it a few times before getting that she missed seeing the school bus.
watched a rich girl plow her Escalade into a fucking school bus ... that she somehow missed
They reportedly had a baby inside...
you can email me names
Can someone post what the slide show says?
Does kinja have any way to block users? There are some people who must live here who add their (sometimes inane) hot takes on every single article, and I’m just not really interested in seeing them anymore.
People are too stupid to save themselves, is the issue. Look at how many folks complain about the wealth gap, yet will ignore their local businesses to order stuff from Amazon, or skip over their local greengrocer to shop at Walmart.
Do you actually believe that, or are you being deliberately stupid?
Washington DC already has a $15 minimum wage, and the most expensive burrito at Taco Bell is less than $3.50.
Great, now my Taco Bell order costs $50 and I just don’t order it, leaving the driver with $0 instead of the $5 they could’ve had.
“remove the seat rails to lower the seat enough, I would be fine.”
A couple of years after this model was first introduced, I was looking for a new truck as my Avalanche had needed some expensive repairs and didn’t fit in my garage.
Cool, you funding the infrastructure and premature upgrade period?
Don’t forget to blame “Big Restaurant” for the obesity epidemic.
Big oil doesn’t need you to be an apologist for it. They have an immense history of knowing about climate change then denying it and actively working to oppose it. Don’t simp for a billion dollar industry that doesn’t care about you.
I remember reading a line in a Greenpeace pamphlet sometime in the 1980's that said something to the effect of “big companies will do something about global warming when it becomes more profitable than ignoring it”. Even as a kid I realised that was true.
Legitimately curious, not being a smart ass.
And yet, people are commenting on here that the cop was not in any danger at all, and should’ve just sat there.
I mean, it would have been best if this could have been resolved without injury, but what was the guy supposed to do?
There are some after photos out there showing the police vehicle had the back glass completely broken out and some trim torn off. The crowd was not just standing around peaceably singing hymns.
Good thing no one was killed
Hold up, so you go out doing a street takeover, attack a cop car as a mob, get run over, and the police get shit for it?
I should start doing this. I could totally be a millionaire on the settlement money.