
DOnt think that's a Hilux. Looks like a Landcruiser 70 series pickup...

The Chevrolet Camaro known as the "War Camaro" owned and used by the Dane Helge Meyer is certainly up there.

Or, on a flat BREAD?

Something in Australia will kill her.

An auto-blog reporting on an auto accident isn't relevant? Oh it's your first post here?

"Unrelevant", eh? People who text while driving would be defensive about this issue and this bitch's case being highlighted on an auto site. I think you'd change your tune when you or, say, your child is run down by a texting driver.


Homes usually come with a mortgage, and you can't sell kids for nearly as much as you used to be able to. Sold my first pair for $5, nowadays you'd be lucky to get a nickel.

10 points for Gryffindor for using the word: Chortled

"37.5 kHz per second" is wrong, unless you want to pretend that the frequency is shifting rapidly. Hz means "per second" already. Just say "37.5 kHz". If you just copy & paste from a source without actually reading it, then you repeat obvious mistakes made by the source.

I know it should have whitewalls right?

Well, there's your problem.


at 3:10 you can see both wheels are ran by gremlins inside the wheels :D

Left lane is for passing or upcoming turns from that lane.
That's it.
To troll someone on the road and film it to the point that an accident is caused is the fault of both parties.
They're lucky no one was seriously injured.

If you are in the left lane, then by definition you should let others pass. Just because you are going over the limit, it doesnt give you the right to police the roads. .

I hereby volunteer to be Jalopnik's official grammar/spelling nazi, if someone will simply post me a cookie for every article I correct.


Yay. Fracking. Feel good about driving that truck when you can light your tap water on fire.

I don't know, it makes perfect sense to destroy artifacts that have lasted at least 2000 years so we can have fun for a few weeks. Is that not obvious?