For the race trucks, yeah. For the true "support" vehicles, they're full of just about everything from a massive set of tools, to provisions, to medical supplies. The last support truck I drove had a fold-out barbecue.
For the race trucks, yeah. For the true "support" vehicles, they're full of just about everything from a massive set of tools, to provisions, to medical supplies. The last support truck I drove had a fold-out barbecue.
MacGyver: The Movie
Yo Dawg, We heard you like windows...
Those are absolutely awesome.
I call bullshit. Michael Jackson has never been in anything older than 1990.
I see your DS, and I raise you the Tucker 48. Straight from the Ultimate Source of All Information:
Yunick is mentioned in some of these documents as well, I think in reference to the Hot Air engine. It's also a radical and interesting idea, and some of that may have been planned for this engine.
I have some of Smokey Yunick's notes regarding this very engine. He doesn't really say much. I bought a bunch of Smokey's stuff at the auction when he died. Anyhow I found a folder of stuff regarding John Delorean and how they were planning on putting Smokey's Hot Vapor engine in the Delorean. In some of the papers…
Miatas aren't girls you date. They're cheap whores and escorts you can throw around and have fun with for less than the price of jail or an actual wife.
they'd find 57 different ways to be offended by this
Wow, none of them are on their smartphones?!?!?
I have no idea why journalists or really anyone from a Western nation would willingly go to North Korea and risk detention, torture, death, etc. They can keep you and there's little that anyone outside of Dennis Rodman can do to help. That place is a black hole.