Aww poor mayonnaise

I really, really like this guy.

I’ve always thought she looks like a mashup of Tan Mom with the Cryptkeeper. Do a side by side. You can’t unsee that!

The real question is: what does Kellyanne Conway owe to Feminism? Before first-wave feminism women weren’t allowed into universities and law schools. Before second-wave feminism her chances of being let into those schools would still have the been slim. Once out, she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere NEAR the White House

I don’t owe Conway jack shit. She chose who she wanted to become and who she is working for.

“These people have awful names.”

Obscure to white Americans, perhaps.

This white supremacist pig was so fucking proud of “recording in HD” when he was assaulting Black women and children, so why they mad at the leak?

Don’t worry, if they find out who did it they will get a much harsher punishment than Martin. They want to prove they take leaks seriously (unlike police abuse and racism).

Oh, please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please let Orangina issue a reaction tweet condemning Twitter over the removal of that stitch-faced racist’s account.

Oh dear. You thought GG was diverse in the past? Oh no. At least people have been talking about it and poking fun of it for over a decade now. :)

Liam Neesons

Average wolf weighs 100lbs. Arian Foster would savage the fuck out of a single wolf. All of his takes (minus the carotid one) are good takes

I like Foster’s odds against a wolf considering he’s taken out lions and jaguars without much trouble.

Somebody drafted him in the 5th round this year, did they?

Liam Neesons needed to tape shards of glass to his hands. Liam Neesons! And we still don’t know exactly how it went down.

Also, does SoulCycle just have wooden stakes stationed around the room? I don’t understand how she impaled herself on a sharp piece of wood.

a lack of instruction coupled with the bike design, loud music, and mood darkness, caused her ongoing mental and physical suffering

Wait, but why didn’t she call an ambulance instead of an Uber?

Gotta take this with grain of salt ‘cause a notion that she herself would call Uber over 911 (implied) is side-eye worthy. Didn’t click through, but would like to think she called 911 before opening Uber app. Uber in BH would arrive before ambulance, and in a “can’t-won’t wait!” world, I can see it.
