Aww poor mayonnaise

She’s a white girl, beloved by white people and posers who know nothing about music. She’s a musical Kardashian, if you will. Literally nothing to see or hear.

Real men rape. Such a funny joke between the two. They’re both pieces of shit.

Way to drum up clicks for your website. You’re just as sick. You’d have done anything except evaluate you and your husbands role in her suicide right? Fuck off with this fake bullshit.

And yet, you’re still not a blogger. Stay mediocre, pale face.

No, you just don’t read current news. Drump asked for official photos from NPS. Here are those official photos. Your white ignorance is blocking the oxygen to your brain.

Because white men were always gonna vote for him. White women openly voted against their self interest to maintain the status quo. That’s the difference.

Because they think that being the model minority gives them a seat at the white table. They yearn for white acceptance as ethnic peers.

Waaaaaah wahhhhh, you got called a “cracker.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Lily white pinktoed wet dog piece of white trash. Go fuck yourself peckerwood.

Fragile little white sissy. Kill yourself then since life is sooooo hard for you. Do us all a favor.

Fuck you and your victim hood complex too you whiny small cracker bitch. Hope you were bullied nonstop. You deserved it.

Mmm your white tears are sooooooo delicious. I’m sure the years of white privilege have more than made up for the two days in your imagination that this happened. Lmao. Love that you’re still bitter. Stay bitter ya bitch. Cracker ass cracker.

How so? Looks like assholes get to be President. Your “logic” is flawed and unrealistic. Don’t see life beating down the legacies of Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson. Jeff Sessions is still in government. Must be nice to have the privilege of ignoring reality, huh?

Probably because you are a cousin fucking racist. Go kill yourself white boy.

From the government you dumb fuck. You don’t have free speech from other, private citizens. Goddamn it you’re stupid.

Because it had been going on for SEVERAL MONTHS. Get the mayonnaise out of your eyes and read jackass.

Go fuck yourself with sticks and stones. Nonstop harassment, that clearly wypipo in charge never took action on, should absolutely be met with the accelerated next step of violence. Take your white ass somewhere else bitch.

But his hand never does because that would require defensive effort.

Don’t forget Thomas Jefferson

And Oklahoma surprisingly has been pretty stout in Men’s and women’s gymnastics the last few years.

😂😂😂white people are never gonna do that lol. I needed that laugh.