Aww poor mayonnaise

It’s not worth it. They’ll defend 45 to the death...which will be soon, since their healthcare is going bye bye.

Dolt 45 is lying? Here’s my shocked face. See my shocked face? Because it’s my shocked face.

Peruvian here. Puto is someone being a bitch and not a gay slur in my culture.

I was always told by my Hispanic friends in school that “puto” meant something similar to “whore” or “bitch”, and that “maricon” was the homophobic slur of choice in Spanish. Learn something new I guess.

Tell that to the many, many IT workers at Disney who lost their jobs and had to train their H-1B replacements. Bad “logic,” son.

Vote for Pedro, and all your wildest dreams will come true.

It’s the same mentality that the ‘disenfranchised rural whites’ have: I am better than other people, therefor I can’t possibly be harmed by this virulent racist, he has my interests at heart!

I’m a pretty mainstream Democrat white dude, the most radical thing I’ve done in my life was voting Nader in 2000. (Sorry about that) But even I know the true goal of Bannon and his ilk is a White Nationalist purge of minorities and immigrants. They are not subtle. I remain confused how anyone not a close minded

blinkered self-interest, alloyed with ethnic exceptionalism, marked by a desire to differentiate himself from other minority groups..., which defines most Uncle Toms (now Uncle Ben)/Plastic Mexicans/Coconuts, who trade off cultural pride and heritage for the approval of those who dehumanize them for entertainment.

This one guy who used to hang at our regular bar is Indian, and at least on Facebook, is a total liberal and hates Trump. He moved a few towns north because too many black people might to taking over the town.  

You expected racists to hate with an enlightened understanding of religious nuance? C’mon! That’s not what they do!

Nice to see that Trump supporters are fucking dolts regardless of ethnicity.

In the Indians on TV episode of Master of None they used Uncle Taj.

Here’s how to explain it. Indian Americans are middle to upper-class and people with money vote conservative. I’m also willing to venture that many also see black people as lower themselves and fear them.

ABCD - American Born Confused Desi.

Is there a Hindi term for “Uncle Tom?”

Just name the new ones “Drunk RedacTED Talks”

You’re confused. Or stupid.

But, with those white tarps laid out on the lawn, any Klansmen that showed up in full costume would just disappear. So, maybe it was well attended after all.