
California is a state dude.

Bernard Hopkins, a man I both like and admire, generally, if selectively, tells the truth. But he has some

This might not be a big deal, but your take is objectively wrong.

Oh quit. This is nothing but a bunch of staffers speculating on what they could change with an unfriendly Congress. Aren’t journalists supposed to have some kind of understanding of context? Another boring boring email of nothing.

I fully support Kaepernick and the protests (and dialogue) he’s sparked nationwide. But when you hear him talk, he sounds like someone who got recently woke by some hotep tweets.

Update! Their response: “The what?”

At a time where TV money tripled overnight and teams are flush with cash, the Heat are playing with funny money. The issue wasn’t the money per year, it was the 3rd year. And while present and future performance doesn’t warrant an additional $20M and an extra year, sometimes you need to look up from the balance sheet

And the only reason why it wasn’t full was because the ticket prices are insane. Literally, you can go watch a Champions League final maybe twice for the price of one ticket.

What sealed the deal for Davis, you ask?


The only thing that would have made this more perfect is if he had hit a Bear.

Butthurt much?