
You really are this stupid, aren’t you? Notice that employment is nowhere near its peak in 2008. This is not what a well running economy should expect.

Hey, I get that jayed coins was more detailed that I but I did beat his econonerd post with my own by a full 4 mins. It’s still good stuff btw and I can’t disagree with much else in your note. But admit that you are voting for HRC...come now. Also, never make fun of Germany. They remember!

Integrity? You don’t know the meaning of the word. Perhaps if you did you’d walk back any claims on the countries above. Or maybe you are 17 and forgot that these countries went into the tank in 2008. What a waste of my time to try to educate this willfully ignorant clown. Since numbers and logic seem to befuddle,

All of your bullshit is more evidence that as bad as things are in our country, it is worse in Europe. I hope one day you will return back from the long trip up your own rectum. Cheers.

Yup, 11% unemployment...awesome sauce. Feel the heat of .4% growth!!!

Do I need to post every article from the German central bank, ministry of finance...? Sure there are a lot of other countries going along with this madness, but Germany provides nearly all of the intellectual foundation. I guess you don’t dispute that the continent is going down the toilet, just who is responsible?

I guess I wasn’t being clear. Germany is running the continent into the ground with its refusal to accept higher inflation; Europe as a whole is handling the refugee crisis poorly.

Actually, I’d put cyberterrorism waaaay higher on the nat’l security priority list than worrying about our debt investors. As fucked as our country is, most of the rest of the world is far more fucked. For instance, look at most of Europe, in depression and run by feckless Germans (all of whom sound a lot like Paul

Albert, you are a great writer and all....but you need to work on the Econ. China hasn’t been funding our debt in a while: