
Agreed about peer review, but occasionally preliminary findings that have not yet been peer reviewed slip though and get published in the lay press before they should be- like cold fusion or NASA with the arsenic-based life study. Also, not all peer review is the same. Many open source journals publish garbage

Good point. I also have run across a similar misused trope- "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". Actually it is. But only that- evidence of limited value that depends on how thorough the search was. Absence of evidence is not *proof* of absence, but the more times you look for something and don't find it,

I've found that this is more frequently due to bad reporting than to bad science.

Those taxes aren't their fault- you have to pay them on all cell phone plans. Mine is advertised at $29 but I pay $37 after the taxes. I think the main reason that Ting fits for me multiple phones. $6/phone is pretty good and all of the big carriers only have horribly overpriced family plans that are way more than I

I went from Sprint to Ting. Same service (Ting leases bandwidth from Sprint), same usage (light), but I'm now paying $37/month for two smart phones with data after taxes.

I got a few of these to replace some normal locking 'biners and after messing with them for a bit I think it would be more difficult to imagine a scenario that would accidentally unlock one of these than a screw or twist lock.

Amen. I recently switched from Sprint to Ting, which uses the same network but charges you for the plan you use each month. My bill this month for two phones with data was $29. It's not unlimited, but for people who don't use much data you can't beat the price. If you do want unlimited Republic Wireless is $19/phone

Asparagus. Sometimes you don't need a double-blinded placebo controlled experiment.

I learned that the approach you're talking about was called topological optimization. But yeah, not new and horribly incorrect article. There is no way in hell that beam is stronger than an equivalently *SIZED* beam of steel (i.e. ~1cm dia). Stronger per weight, yes.

Something similar happened to me when I was a Summer Intern at Ford with everyone replying to all to the entire list of summer interns for a while, clogging up inboxes with jokes. The main difference was that Ford was paying us to be there instead of the other way around like at NYU. Lots of interns got fired over

This is a fine idea, but I think it works better on your body than on a table. Calibrate once and you don't need a table to type on.

This is a great idea, but it's certainly not new. Just a new vendor entering this market. Emotion ( and Quickie extender ( had versions of this that I used at MedTrade years ago.

The logical reason for this is to combat the unreasonable fears and phobias solders inevitably develop as a consequence of the horrors of battle. This is about letting soldiers come back to a normal life instead of being a non-functional PTSD-stricken homeless guy. This is a good thing- take off the tinfoil hat.

An iPhone would not be able to capture the data they need because of its low accelerometer sampling rate of 1kHz (iPhone 4). To capture any kind of impact or blast you need ~12kHz+. Two pounds is heavy, but I bet that's mostly battery. Hopefully some of it is additional armor or padding.

That's only half of it- don't forget the ~$1M you have to pay for that patent from start to finish.

The reason it's called the "God Particle" is because the publishers wouldn't title the book "The God Damn Particle", which the authors preferred because it was so hard to find.

My how things have changed. An extension that is available in Chrome by not Firefox. I think I'll be using Chrome to surf Gawker sites until someone gets around to writing something similar for Firefox to circumvent this horrible new comment system. Why does every change Gawker/Gizmodo has made in that past few years

Is there an equivalent to this for Firefox? I'd love to be actually be able to read the comments again.

I think this baby hammock should come with a set of these for this reason: []