Agreed. The giant ground sloth as a movie monster even has a built-in backstory-
Agreed. The giant ground sloth as a movie monster even has a built-in backstory-
It’s not like everyone gets the side effects, and if you do you know pretty soon. I’m on Rybelsus (pill version of semaglutide) and it does nothing to me aside from improving my blood sugars and making me not as hungry. It’s much easier to resist cravings/desert/seconds/etc. My weight is dropping slowly and steadily…
Monster is too small & not enough CG to be an Asylum picture. Now if the title were “Slothceratops” or “Giant Ice Sloth” we’d be in their territory.
Federal research funding actually requires that publications from any work it supports be made freely available now (with temporary exceptions for embargo periods), but it didn’t for a long time. Sci-Hub helped make this issue more visible and helped motivate that turnaround.
“one of the more notable thing about ToD is how the heart-ripping sacrifice scene and the child slavery elements are not muted as one might expect for a PG movie”
Agreed. I always thought Luddites were opposed to technology that would negatively impact their own livelihood. They didn’t care about the larger impacts on society. Also there’s a big difference between short term and long term impacts. Human society was pretty negatively impacted by the switch from hunter-gatherers…
I heard an interview with the CTO (I think) of Amprius. This is just their 1st gen model. The technology has headroom to increase capacity from here- he said they could potentially double capacities from what they’re currently at. So they’re at double capacity now and hopefully up to quadruple in the future. For…
Even the ones that get through peer review often have problems- it’s not a perfect system. My first reaction when reading this is how do they present “facts” that aren’t true when the subjects know they’re lying? I’ve got a pretty good idea what an average penis size is because I’ve heard the statistics before. If…
I remember touring a Lincoln factory when I was an intern at Ford 2004-2006 or so. There was a big banner on the floor that said something to the effect of “Our Mission: Beat Cadillac”. Only “Cadillac” had been crossed out and “Lexus” written in.
BJJ is great and all, and this looks like an awesome twist on a fun sport, but if someone is trying to assault you in your vehicle they will probably be punching you or using some kind of weapon instead of trying to choke you with the seatbelt.
I loath that flat grey and my last two cars have been some kind of silver or grey (metallic at least) because that’s all I could find on the lot. No colors available on the lot for any models I might want. I could go for color shifting paint, but my vote for a specific color I’d like to see back is Black Cherry…
Pretty much everything is bad for the environment. I think less-bad alternatives are a good thing. Don’t make the (unattainable) perfect be the enemy of the good.
Gotta be crazy. Any decent con man would say things that are least sort of believable. This is just word salad gibberish.
“I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I fucking hate Ted Cruz.” -Al Franken
I thought it was originally for fixing limb length discrepancies, but that would make sense too. I’ve also seen it used to lengthen the residual limb of a prosthesis user (just a poster). No issues with tendons and ligaments in this case and they went from having a residuum that was too short to use a prosthesis…
I’m with you on this being a “Male Insecurity Conference”, but the ball tanning and leg breaking are two very different varieties of idiocy. The ball tanning thing is cheap, pretty low risk, and in no way works. The leg breaking thing is extremely expensive and fairly high risk/effort, but actually does work. And with…
Yup. I-75 between Naples and Ft. Lauderdale in South Florida is called “Alligator Alley” because of the intermittent large scaly green speedbumps.
They’re switching it up a bit and going in to the future this time- this one is from tomorrow.
Lobster costs a fortune now so I don’t know if they still have it, but back in the beforetimes McDonald’s in Maine sold lobster rolls. McLobster was a legit thing, and not a temporary one. Full-time menu option.