
I’d worry less about it camping *over* your front door and more about it stringing webs across it at face height. When I lived in Florida we had golden orb weavers in our backyard (pretty similar to the Joro) and they had a annoying tendency to construct their webs across large distances at face height. Even if they

This. I just upgraded both of my cars to a new head unit with Android Auto. I paid a guy to come to my house to install both cars for only $100 travel fee. There were lots of other (reasonable) fees for the actual install & parts, but $100 for not having to drive to a shop & wait around all day was sooooo worth it.

I was wondering why the author kept using “allegedly” in the descriptions of what they did. Fined for allegations but not prosecuted or convicted- yeah, that’s not going to do much. I wonder if any of those fines have actually been collected.

Seconded on the resin printer- I came here to say that. Using a filment printer for minifigs is like using a big pair of pliers on something that needed tweezers. Or a framing air nailer when your needed a headless pinner- pick your bad tool analogy I guess. I’ve got a filament printer but I use it for big loadbearing

Seconded on the resin printer- I came here to say that. Using a filment printer for minifigs is like using a big

That part is less about gamification and more about trying to get you to pay for the full version.

I 3D printed a copy of the original. You can see past it a little better but it just doesn’t have the tight seal of the original.

Amen about being able to charge one but it not meeting my needs. I needed a car a few years ago (~2017) and would never need it for close to its range, but I drive so few miles per year that the cost of adding a charging station to my house plus the difference in cost between a reasonable gas vehicle (including gas

I’m also diabetic and the instructions here about liquid meds seem to have never applied to me in the innumerable times I flew in the beforetimes:

Last week we lost our car-named dog of 13 years, Shelby.
Here’s young Shelby:

Quadcopters and autogyros are in very different categories. If the engine dies in an autogyro it will autorotate safely down from any altitude. If one engine dies in a quad copter you’re probably crashing. If two die you definitely are. I’m not saying that either are practical, but the autogyro is definitely safer.

You don’t need unions for that. I’m a non-union US government employee. My pay scale is als0 public record and public knowledge. I don’t know how the union side of it works but that’s not one of the things they are responsible for.

Here I thought this article would be about these fixtures.

Your comment about needing to hold the nut in place while you turn the bolt reminded me of these-

And if you build latest gen reactors they could burn all of the nuclear waste we have for fuel. How is getting clean power AND getting rid of our stockpiled nuclear waste at the same time not a no-brainer? Expensive, yes, but how would this not be worth it?

Amen on surface chemistry! Way (way way way) back when I was a co-op at Motorola Energy Systems (they made the cellphone batteries before there were smartphones) one of my jobs was figuring out what adhesive to use to stick the battery packs (PVC shrinkwrap) into the plastic housing (Noryl to save weight) into the

You’d think that a guy that looks like an antebellum plantation owner would be racist as hell, but he actually stopped using the word “negroes” when told it was offensive and even seemed to like tweaking the racists a bit. From

I think it’s because the motors themselves are fairly cheap and light and dropping the 0-60 times won’t do much to reduce the cost or the weight. Most of the cost, range, and weight is in the batteries. Why not have obscene amounts of power if having less doesn’t get you much?

Even better- with that degree and the actual experience driving trucks he could be one of the people programming and designing those bots!

I remember back when I was in high school (grad ‘94) I wanted to take the auto repair class elective but was not allowed to. It was only for people who wanted to become auto mechanics. Not parent pressure then, just not enough spots for everyone who wanted it.

Your dog eats steamed vegetables? Both of mine won’t eat anything we drop unless it’s meat.