I stayed in a house built into a Banyan tree during my honeymoon in Hawaii-[www.southpointbth.com]
I stayed in a house built into a Banyan tree during my honeymoon in Hawaii-[www.southpointbth.com]
I'm a Type I with no pump and a Dexcom CGM and this setup works way better for me than a pump and no CGM would. I took my A1C down from 7.9 to 5.7 just because I knew what was going on between finger sticks. It doesn't cut down on the number of finger sticks (in fact I need an extra one for calibration), but I have…
You only really need lube/coolant if you're cutting steel or something else hard that generates a lot of heat- we only use cutting oil on aluminum if we're hogging out lots of stock per pass with a big bit. That being said, this is a CNC *ROUTER* not a full-on endmill. That frame has virtually none of the stiffness…
Other fun roach facts- When a roach run fast enough (~50 body lengths/second) it raises up and runs on its back legs only. Like a human. Except that for the roach the force of the air it encounters lifts its front end. A human moving that quickly would be running about 200 miles per hour. From [science.howstuffworks.c…
[zombietools.net]- The Deuce isn't even the biggest or most expensive one.
I love that XKCD, but in their defense the article does say "might" and "may" about these findings. It's Gizmodo that's reporting these speculative findings as certainties.
So much better with the right music...
ConclusionS. The part before that said "Although fatal attacks on humans appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers), other breeds may bite and cause fatalities at higher rates." You're right in that they are not concluding that Pits and Rottweilers are not dangerous, but you're being…
I've seen about as many articles about dog attacks where it was a wandering pack that had escaped confinement or something similar. But anecdotes aside, your point about gun regulation is actually very good. If only we could do something similar to regulate dog ownership, but guns and knives are not self-replicating.…
Try reading the conclusions of the study instead of cherry picking data to support your previously-held conclusions. Despite those stats, they still concluded what I quoted above. You've probably heard the Mark Twain quote- about "lies, damn lies, and statistics", but I think this one is more appropriate- you're using…
That CDC report actually makes the opposite point you're implying: "Although fatal attacks on humans appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers), other breeds may bite and cause fatalities at higher rates....Fatal attacks represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans…
Because of this comment and the millions of others just like it they actually did this. With this very laser no less- [www.slashgear.com]
Airdrives do this and have been around for a while now ([www.amazon.com]). They're better than these earbuds for exercise because the wire wraps your ears so that they pretty much can't fall out.
Patents only matter if you're trying to sell something and profit from it. You can copy stuff to your heart's content for personal use.
Airdrives ([www.amazon.com]). Not quite earbuds because they don't actually go into your ear, but they're the best headphones for me because 1) They don't fall out. Ever. 2) They're not noise isolating. You can actually hear that car that's screeching off the road and about to hit you. My only problem with them is…
Nice overview- had no idea there was such variety in cargo bikes (I've never actually seen one in use). We had a similar issue (need to carry kids+junk on bike), but instead of a dedicated cargo bike, we got a trailer for a normal bike. Seems to do everything a cargo bikes can, but you can disconnect it and leave it…
Yup. Don't forget the forms, paperwork, and approvals required to get a factory up and running in the US. It would take years for them to get anything going in the US. The cheap labor in China is just a bonus- the speed at which they can get things going and the infrastructure of all of the suppliers nearby are the…
Yeah, that's a pretty bad demo. They needed to also use a phone without anything on it that would've slid down the incline & off the table. Also, that demo phone only had a tiny little business card-sized patch on it. I use the kits with die-cut sections made for specific devices, which they now seem to sell under a…
True. Our health care system is royally messed-up and set up so that no one really has any incentive to do what is best for everyone. The best way I've heard our health care system described is as three people who go out for dinner. The first one (the doctor) orders the food, the second one (the patient) eats it, and…